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With complaints about its efficacy still reverberating through the super industry, the YFYS performance test is to be extended next year to cover certain member investment options. Sustainability will be a big loser. Having delivered its first-year test results last month (August 31), the Treasury-instigated APRA-implemented test for big super funds found that the MySuper…
The 88,000 members of Australian Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund (ACSRF) are about to be very confused. As are members of some other big super funds. Forty-year-old members in ACSRF’s default MySuper product, LifetimeOne, will be told they just earned an average 20.9 per cent from their super (after fees and taxes for the year…
In one of the more ambitious of big super fund mergers, the BOC Super corporate fund is to follow the similar-sized Toyota Super and join with the new blended industry and corporate fund structure known as ‘Togethr’. Set to be announced within the next week, BOC Super (formerly known as BOC Gases) will also add…