‘We’ve got clear air’: How Brighter Super set itself up for post-merger success  

Mergers can consume the day-to-day life of a fund for years. But the investment decisions made during the process determine whether the new fund – and its membership – will thrive from day one.

Lachlan Maddock | 26th Jul 2024 | More
Equity Trustees deputises AI for greenwashing fight

Superannuation funds and other financial services providers are trying to combat greenwashing in their own communications amidst changing regulatory expectations. Equity Trustees wants to help them out.

Lachlan Maddock | 26th Jul 2024 | More
ART commercial lead heads to Insignia

The executive responsible for driving ART’s post-merger growth has taken the top superannuation job at Insignia Financial as it looks to overhaul its business for “profitable growth”.

Staff Writer | 26th Jul 2024 | More
ISPT’s Melbourne tower, core fund see double-digit write-downs

The industry funds’ unlisted property manager has slashed the valuations of its core property fund as well as a single asset office trust amidst a slow-moving commercial property downturn.

Lachlan Maddock | 24th Jul 2024 | More
ART hits $300 billion, rethinks operating model

The megafund has reshuffled its executive team and seen several key departures as it hits $300 billion in funds under management and embarks on a restructure of its operational model.

Staff Writer | 24th Jul 2024 | More
How Mine Super’s investment reset took it from a YFYS ‘clobbering’ to top of the charts

The $13 billion industry fund has seen a significant turnaround in member outcomes since it rethought its “technically outstanding” but conservative investment strategy and has topped Chant West’s growth ranking for a second year running.

Lachlan Maddock | 19th Jul 2024 | More
To play for the ‘volcano’, one must be early: Ruffer

An eventual market correction won’t necessarily be marked by its depth, writes Jonathan Ruffer, but by its speed. Caution may come at a price, but investors will have a different perspective on that price once it’s been paid in full.

Jonathan Ruffer | 12th Jul 2024 | More
The Your Future, Your Super time bomb in super’s big returns

In the topsy turvy world of Your Future, Your Super being down 20 per cent is only a bad thing if the benchmark is 50 bips better, and defensive positioning in a weird market isn’t rewarded.

Lachlan Maddock | 5th Jul 2024 | More
Why Your Future, Your Super’s perverse incentives could reverse

The introduction of the Your Future, Your Super performance test has led to many strange portfolio construction outcomes. They might get stranger yet.

Michael Block | 3rd Jul 2024 | More
When geopolitics matters to markets (and when it really doesn’t)

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, investment managers have been bedeviled by the question of how much attention they should pay to geopolitics. Part of the answer can be found in parking lots.

Lachlan Maddock | 26th Jun 2024 | More
INSight #330 with Varun Laijawalla from Ninety One

Varun Laijawalla from Ninety One shares insights with James Dunn from The Inside Network on what investors are suited to emerging markets.

Investor Strategy News | 8th May 2024 | Watch Pause
INSight #323 with Alex Lennard from Ruffer

Alex Lennard from Ruffer shares insights with Laurence Parker-Brown from The Inside Network on whether the previous strategies will continue well in a new regime.

Investor Strategy News | 7th May 2024 | WatchPause
INSight #296 with Wenchang Ma from Ninety One

Wenchang Ma from Ninety One shares insights with James Dunn from The Inside Network on any substitute for going out and meeting companies on the road.

Investor Strategy News | 7th May 2024 | Watch Pause
INSight #354 with Alison Shimada from Allspring Global Investments

Alison Shimada from Allspring Global Investments speaks to Giselle Roux from The Inside Network on responsible investing in EM.

Investor Strategy News | 6th May 2024 | Watch Pause
BIT #6: The future of listed infrastructure with ClearBridge Investments portfolio manager Nick Langley
Investor Strategy News | 8th Jan 2024
BIT #2: Investment dynamism with Paul Saliba from SQM Research
Investor Strategy News | 11th Oct 2023
BIT #3: Super fund benchmarking with Ian Fryer from Chant West
Investor Strategy News | 11th Oct 2023
BIT #4: Advice pricing paradigms with Rob Jones from Peloton Partners
Investor Strategy News | 11th Oct 2023
BIT #5: Advicetech attraction with Pete Worn from Finura Group
Investor Strategy News | 11th Oct 2023
BIT #1: Compliance matters with Sean Graham from Assured Support
Investor Strategy News | 24th Sep 2023
‘An assumption everybody should question’: Sam Sicilia’s $200 billion hypotheticals

Hostplus’ young demographics and the mandatory nature of superannuation means it gets “a free kick before every game”. But CIO Sam Sicilia says funds must keep questioning the assumptions that underpin the superannuation system and their relationship to it.

Lachlan Maddock | 3rd Apr 2024 | More
JANA chases family offices, not-for-profits as super sees ‘significant change’

Australia’s largest homegrown asset consultant is plotting an expansion further beyond its traditional superannuation clients, while consolidation in the industry is changing the way they work.

Lachlan Maddock | 13th Jan 2023 | More
NZS stays nimble, keeps things simple for ‘ever-changing investment landscape’

The $74 billion New Zealand Super has shot the lights out with a chunky one year return and is now looking to “scale and optimise” its organisation as it eyes a projected doubling in size over the next decade.

Lachlan Maddock | 24th Jul 2024 | More
Massive passive flows haven’t broken markets: GMO

Passive investing may have skewed the numbers but the index-hugging wall of money can’t break the maths of markets, a new GMO paper argues.

David Chaplin | 17th Jul 2024 | More
718 Articles
Lachlan is editor of Investor Strategy News and has extensive experience covering institutional investment.Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum
113 Articles
David Chaplin is a reputed financial services journalist and publisher of Investment News NZ.Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum
375 Articles
Drew is publisher of the Inside Network's mastheads and a principal adviser at Wattle Partners.Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum
445 Articles
Greg has worked in financial services-related media for more than 30 years. He has launched dozens of financial titles, including Super Review, Top1000Funds.com and Investor Strategy News, of which he is the former editor.Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum
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