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Amundi’s seven main convictions for H2 2024

It’s all about confidence, says leading European asset manager Amundi, which expects multi-speed growth in the second half of 2024 marked by slow and uneven disinflationary trends and diverging dynamics.

Staff Writer | 23rd Jul 2024 | More
U.K. Water: Flat or bubbly?

Volatility from regulatory action and climate change is creating buying opportunities for U.K. water utilities, according to ClearBridge Investments.

ClearBridge Investments | 8th Jul 2024 | More
  • Emerging markets: From risky to resilient?

    Emerging markets are now outpacing developed nations in growth and credit quality, but Franklin Templeton’s fixed income team says investors should conduct thorough risk assessments for these promising opportunities.

    Franklin Templeton | 21st Jun 2024 | More
    Unlocking opportunities in the growing secondary market

    2024 presents a strong market for private equity buyers according to Lexington Investment’s research team, with global secondary transaction volume hitting a record high on LP liquidity needs and GP-led deals.

    Franklin Templeton | 27th May 2024 | More
  • Will renewables survive the energy transition?

    For investors contending with changing risk and return dynamics, regulated utilities stand out as a stable choice amid sectoral uncertainty according to Nick Langley, senior portfolio manager at ClearBridge Investments.

    Nick Langley | 13th May 2024 | More
    Portfolio strategy: Amundi

    Citing signals of economic transition and diversified benefits, Amundi recommends a significant portfolio allocation to gold following its +30 per cent surge since 2023.

    Investor Strategy News | 26th Apr 2024 | More
    2024 Capital Market assumptions: scenarios and asset return forecasts for the next decade by Amundi

    The next decade could see higher growth and lower inflation, partly due to AI adoption’s productivity gains, according to Amundi’s latest investment forecast.

    Investor Strategy News | 19th Apr 2024 | More
    Easing on the horizon: Central Bank Watch from Franklin Templeton Fixed Income

    The Franklin Templeton Fixed Income Central Bank Watch is a qualitative assessment of the central banks for the Group of Ten (G10) nations plus two additional countries (China and South Korea). Each central bank is scored on three parameters: Inflation Outlook Perception, Quantitative Easing/Liquidity Management Programs, and Interest Rate Forward Guidance. The report also provides…

    Franklin Templeton | 10th Apr 2024 | More
    ‘Something new under the sun’: Ruffer releases its 2024 review

    The 2024 Ruffer Review explores what the rise of artificial intelligence means for investors, the murky realities of cricket, and the “thankless endeavour” of forecasting. Also discussed are the technological developments that have shaped markets, and the political-economic ecosystem.

    Investor Strategy News | 13th Mar 2024 | More
  • Key Convictions 1Q24: Western Asset

    We believe that the ongoing disinflation process, combined with moderate global growth and the potential for central banks to ease monetary policy, presents a favorable backdrop for fixed-income markets. This summary is intended to aggregate the firm’s current overall views and present an at-a-glance dashboard.

    Investor Strategy News | 5th Mar 2024 | More
    Global fixed income allocations already include EM debt –why allocate separately?

    The most widely followed global fixed income index includes emerging markets, but asset allocators looking to get full and meaningful exposure to the structural opportunity may need something different. The mighty ‘Global Agg’ Over the 50 years since they were conceived, Bloomberg’s Fixed Income Indices have grown to become a dominant force in fixed income…

    Investor Strategy News | 23rd Feb 2024 | More
    Japan equity in focus: Amundi

    A recovery in profits, strong incentives from the TSE for companies to improve capital efficiency and a shift out of deflation is boosting a market rerating in Japan.

    Investor Strategy News | 13th Feb 2024 | More
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