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  • David Chaplin

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  • Lachlan Maddock

How investing got ‘dumbed down’ (and how to fix it)

The benchmarks that are supposed to measure performance and create alignment with end investors are working against asset managers, and the industry must find new ways to demonstrate value before it’s too late, according to MFS.

Lachlan Maddock | 18th Oct 2024 | More
Outsourced trading adoption goes from reactive to proactive, but control doubts remain

The use of outsourced trading could be the “future state” for everything from massive sovereign wealth funds down to investment minnows, but lingering concerns about loss of control and connectivity are an obstacle to further uptake.

Lachlan Maddock | 16th Oct 2024 | More
  • Private markets dragged pension performance in 2023: CEM Benchmarking

    Global pension funds posted an atypical aggregate net below-benchmark annual investment performance during 2023, with the shortfall largely attributable to increased use of private markets assets.

    David Chaplin | 16th Oct 2024 | More
    ART of the deal: how a megafund gets the most from its managers

    When you’re handing out billion-dollar mandates, managers will “part the sea for you”. But there’s more than just returns to be weighed when answering the question of what makes a good external manager relationship.

    Lachlan Maddock | 11th Oct 2024 | More
  • ‘Fundamental tension’ in using the Canadian Model down under: Castle Hall

    Member switching and top-down regulation mean Australia’s super funds will face more bumps on the road to the “Canadian model” of heavy private markets allocations than the Maple Eight pensions they’re so keen on aping.

    Lachlan Maddock | 9th Oct 2024 | More
    Bursting expectations: why bubbles don’t always end in a market rout

    The Magnificent Seven are likely riding into bubble territory but investors might yet avoid a bloody showdown, according to a new analysis by Dutch quantitative manager, Robeco.

    David Chaplin | 4th Oct 2024 | More
    Look beyond macro for opportunities in a ‘desynchronised world’

    Investors obsessing over short-term data points are bound to miss the real changes in the companies they’re buying, according to PineBridge, which is peering beyond the macro for “great, durable investment themes”.

    Lachlan Maddock | 2nd Oct 2024 | More
    EM investors to reap rewards of a ‘decade of transformation’

    China’s reduced dominance in the emerging markets has changed the composition of the index, providing greater choice and diversity for investors as supply chains relocate and Asia becomes the world’s AI factory.

    Lachlan Maddock | 27th Sep 2024 | More
    Investors can’t afford to ignore meta-trends: Oppenheimer Generations

    Being a truly long-term investor means you can usually rise above market noise. But even investors with a 100-year time horizon need to think about the meta-trends emerging today to prepare their portfolios for tomorrow, according to Oppenheimer Generations.

    Lachlan Maddock | 25th Sep 2024 | More
  • Family offices follow big institutions in sophistication push

    The investment vehicles of wealthy families are internalising asset management and professionalising their investment teams at a rapid rate, according to Citi Private.

    Lachlan Maddock | 20th Sep 2024 | More
    ‘Higher volatility, higher complexity’: How investors can surf a wave of mutilation

    During the Great Moderation, the mantra was “be long and don’t touch”. But with a wave of transformation sweeping through markets, BlackRock thinks it’s time for investors to switch things up.

    Lachlan Maddock | 18th Sep 2024 | More
    Pension funds rebound but see geopolitical, climate challenges ahead: TAI

    Global pension funds returned to growth mode in 2023 following sharp losses the previous year but participants will need to update investment models amid more complex systemic challenges, a new survey of the sector has found.

    David Chaplin | 13th Sep 2024 | More
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