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Gold: it’s all about correlations

Gold has intrigued investors for almost as long as its existence, first as a store of wealth and currency and now as, well, what? Frontier, has taken a look at gold’s worth to professional investors. And it’s not about an inflation hedge. Frontier’s Chris Trevillyan, director of investment strategy, and Nicholas Thomas, senior consultant, have…

Greg Bright | 30th Jul 2021 | More
Dodging pitfalls in emerging market debt

An Australian super fund has seeded a boutique emerging market debt (EMD) fund as instos look overseas for yield. But challenges for the asset class abound. As Argentina approached its presidential primaries in August 2019, the team at EMD boutique Finisterre grew wary. The primaries would take place during a low liquidity month; they were…

Lachlan Maddock | 30th Jul 2021 | More
  • Super funds chase momentum as performance test looms

    With the advent of Your Future Your Super (YFYS) Australia’s super funds are more closely examining their indexing options. The trick is ensuring member outcomes don’t suffer. Benchmark-relative risk is now top of mind for super funds, with specialist implementation manager Parametric seeing a substantial uptick in the number of funds taking an interest in…

    Lachlan Maddock | 30th Jul 2021 | More
    Tandem lands IFM in Wilson’s crosshairs

    The collapse of an investee company has seen IFM hauled before the standing committee on economics. The bigger issue is how a fund manager keeps commercial matters confidential in Parliament. The hot topic at Thursday’s (29 July) hearing of the standing committee on economics was Tandem, a workplace contractor and IFM investee that has now…

    Lachlan Maddock | 30th Jul 2021 | More
  • Ho-hum response to retirement covenant paper

    The Government’s ‘Retirement Income Covenant’ is off to a shaky start following initial reactions to its position paper. There is a complete absence of detail for super funds to ponder. While welcoming the Government’s move on the subject and the aim for resulting legislation to be non-prescriptive in nature, three influential and apolitical organisations have…

    Greg Bright | 23rd Jul 2021 | More
    Different shades of BlackRock: ASB, AMP wins cast mega-manager in NZ spotlight

    BlackRock, the biggest investment house in the known universe, now holds sway over about a quarter of the NZ retail fund market after cementing a deal with ASB last week to oversee some $20 billion. The ASB move to outsource most investment decisions to BlackRock coincides with the transition of an estimated $10 billion of…

    David Chaplin | 23rd Jul 2021 | More
    HLB Mann Judd sees IPO gold rush

    After a soft streak in a chaotic 2020, the IPO market is expected to take off with a “strong pipeline” of new floats coming through 2021, according to HLB Mann Judd. The Australian IPO market is gaining pace after a sluggish period that saw a scant $132 million raised in the first half of 2020,…

    Lachlan Maddock | 23rd Jul 2021 | More
    Vaccine numbers as asset pricing inputs

    Exogenous factors, such as wars, can and do impact markets but rarely do we get to see a medical crisis play out quite like this. It is science versus the unknown. At a briefing featuring three of its managers last week (July 21), distributor and multi-affiliate manager GSFM provided a snapshot of how the managers…

    Greg Bright | 23rd Jul 2021 | More
    Different approach for India growth story

    Third-party distributor 3PD has partnered with an Indian equities manager, ValueQuest Capital, for the institutional and wholesale markets in Australia and New Zealand. ValueQuest, a boutique with a seven-year track record for its offshore strategy, known as ‘ValueQuest India Moat Fund’, was formed in early in 2013. Sanjay Bakshi, and Paresh Thakker are the founders,…

    Greg Bright | 15th Jul 2021 | More
  • Record returns no balm for Wilson’s wrath

    Last week was a big one for the chief executives of AustralianSuper and Cbus. Their funds announced record-setting returns for the financial year and the next day they both took another hammering from a Commonwealth parliamentary committee. The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, chaired by Tim Wilson, a Liberal MP, is often enlivened…

    Lachlan Maddock | 9th Jul 2021 | More
    NZ scheme presents a case study for all

    The Police Superannuation Scheme in NZ will tweak its asset allocation model and launch a new high-growth option after some outsourced soul-searching. The exercise is a case study in matching member expectations. In its latest newsletter, the almost NZ$2.4 billion (A$2.2 billion) PSS says the changes follow the findings of an investment review and member…

    David Chaplin | 9th Jul 2021 | More
    Brown to step down from ACSA

    Rob Brown has resigned his position as chief executive of the Australian Custodial Services Association to pursue business interests. He will continue until a suitable replacement is found. Brown has spent many years in asset servicing, starting with State Street in the mid-1990s – as well as running NAB-owned Ausmaq for six years until 2010,…

    Greg Bright | 9th Jul 2021 | More
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