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Lachlan Maddock


Lachlan is editor of Investor Strategy News and has extensive experience covering institutional investment.

Lachlan Maddock results

‘We’ve got clear air’: How Brighter Super set itself up for post-merger success  

Mergers can consume the day-to-day life of a fund for years. But the investment decisions made during the process determine whether the new fund – and its membership – will thrive from day one.

Lachlan Maddock | 26th Jul 2024 | More
Equity Trustees deputises AI for greenwashing fight

Superannuation funds and other financial services providers are trying to combat greenwashing in their own communications amidst changing regulatory expectations. Equity Trustees wants to help them out.

Lachlan Maddock | 26th Jul 2024 | More
ISPT’s Melbourne tower, core fund see double-digit write-downs

The industry funds’ unlisted property manager has slashed the valuations of its core property fund as well as a single asset office trust amidst a slow-moving commercial property downturn.

Lachlan Maddock | 24th Jul 2024 | More
NZS stays nimble, keeps things simple for ‘ever-changing investment landscape’

The $74 billion New Zealand Super has shot the lights out with a chunky one year return and is now looking to “scale and optimise” its organisation as it eyes a projected doubling in size over the next decade.

Lachlan Maddock | 24th Jul 2024 | More
How Mine Super’s investment reset took it from a YFYS ‘clobbering’ to top of the charts

The $13 billion industry fund has seen a significant turnaround in member outcomes since it rethought its “technically outstanding” but conservative investment strategy and has topped Chant West’s growth ranking for a second year running.

Lachlan Maddock | 19th Jul 2024 | More
  • Qantas Super flies into the sunset with ART merger

    One of Australia’s last corporate superannuation funds will merge with Australian Retirement Trust following years of pandemic disruption and regulatory change that stymied efforts to grow its member base.

    Lachlan Maddock | 19th Jul 2024 | More
    TelstraSuper expands ‘nimble and innovative’ climate investments

    The $27 billion TelstraSuper’s move to back Quinbrook’s Net Zero Power Fund is the latest in a series of climate-related investments that it feels are well-suited for smaller and more agile funds.

    Lachlan Maddock | 17th Jul 2024 | More
    J.P. Morgan takes custody of Spirit Super

    J.P. Morgan has leveraged its dedicated transition team and merger experience to win custody of the circa $30 billion Spirit Super ahead of the fund’s tie-up with Care Super.

    Lachlan Maddock | 17th Jul 2024 | More
    A rising AI tide won’t lift all boats: Capital Group

    In the AI-fueled rally, some companies will win – and others will disappear. But while some parts of the market look hideously expensive, their long-term prospects might justify their valuations.

    Lachlan Maddock | 12th Jul 2024 | More
    Thriving in a new market environment means getting agile: Colonial First State

    A different investment environment requires a different investment model, says Colonial First State, and funds will have to become more nimble if they’re to cope.

    Lachlan Maddock | 12th Jul 2024 | More
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