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  • David Chaplin

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  • Greg Bright

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  • Lachlan Maddock

Israel’s can of worms for NZ Super and others

NZ Super’s guardians and management are used to their fair share of lobbying by special interest groups, but the latest, from an Israeli group on behalf of five of Israel’s banks, could have implications for all fiduciary investors. The Israeli lobby group in NZ, Israel Institute, and NZ Super are in an escalating battle over…

Greg Bright | 25th Jun 2021 | More
Core value and niche growth for property

Melbourne-based property manager SG Hiscock hasn’t had a lot to celebrate of late, except perhaps its 20th anniversary. Like all good managers, it sees mainly opportunity in the troubles. For starters, founder Steve Hiscock told a zoom media meeting last week (June 16), that the office was not dead. Victoria has had more than 100…

Greg Bright | 18th Jun 2021 | More
  • Robo-advice lifts member contributions

    Adopting a robo-advice platform will increase member contributions as well as investment-option performance, while improving diversification, according to a study of French savings plans. While the buzz surrounding its introduction just over 10 years ago has abated, an increasing body of research is building on the value of robo-advice. More than a marketing tool for…

    Greg Bright | 18th Jun 2021 | More
    General partners adapt to private equity’s ‘mid-life crisis’

    The next iteration for the private equity sector, long-time best performer among alternatives, is for general partners to combine the operations of their portfolio companies to boost flagging returns. Karim Khairallah, a senior managing director and co-portfolio manager at Oaktree Capital in London, and François Mann Quirici, a founding partner at Nexus Associates, also in London,…

    Greg Bright | 18th Jun 2021 | More
  • UBS on ‘Alts in the Asian Century’

    Like all big investors, global asset managers have to have a view on China. Most also have a view on alternatives, even if seen only as competition to traditional investment management. Against this backdrop, UBS Asset Management held its inaugural global investor conference, virtually, last month (May 19-20), in which many discussions inevitably led to…

    Greg Bright | 11th Jun 2021 | More
    Australian private capital surges

    Private capital has shot away from the rest of the alternatives sector in the past few years and did well enough during the worst of the pandemic to support long-term growth predictions. A webinar organised by the Australian Investment Council, in association with researcher Preqin, last week (June 10) provided some colour around the annual…

    Greg Bright | 11th Jun 2021 | More
    RIAA panel maps out climate reporting

    The NZ Government will release climate risk scenario guidance for the financial and corporate sectors by year-end to support impending new carbon reporting standards. Alex White, Ministry for the Environment (MFE) sustainable finance team leader, told a funds industry gathering in Auckland last week that the in-production scenario analyses would help NZ investors better understand…

    David Chaplin | 4th Jun 2021 | More
    How covid-19 changed SWFs’ world: Preqin

    Sovereign Wealth Funds are embracing more active roles in domestic economies and sustainability while building on relationships with the private capital industry, according to research by Preqin and Baker McKenzie. A study, ‘Sovereign Wealth Funds in Motion’, was published last week (June 2) by alternative assets data provider Preqin, in partnership with global law firm Baker McKenzie.  The prominence of sovereign wealth…

    Greg Bright | 4th Jun 2021 | More
    Shining a light on FX market opacity

    Karl O’Shaughnessy, former hedge fund manager and head of foreign exchange for NAB, has been battling his concerns about FX trading for more than 25 years. He is now advising institutional investors on how to improve their returns. O’Shaughnessy recently formed SuperClear FX, an advisory business which also offers wholesale clients an implementation ‘product’, which…

    Greg Bright | 4th Jun 2021 | More
  • Real estate and infrastructure converging

    “When it comes to both real estate and infrastructure there are a lot of things which are going to change,” says Kumar Kalyanakumar, the head of real assets in Australia for AXA Investment Managers. According to Kumar, covid-19 is a “punctuation mark” in history and he believes events like this cause us to re-prioritise our…

    Greg Bright | 28th May 2021 | More
    Ashok Bhatia: fixed income strategies made for the times

    With records still being set by both equities and bond markets, investor uncertainty abounds. It would seem these times are made for both active management and experience. With bond markets, the possibility of higher inflation, especially in the US, prompts fears of rising interest rates and therefore falling prices, with investors looking further into the…

    Greg Bright | 28th May 2021 | More
    How to plan for COP26

    Six years after the Paris agreement on climate change action, most of the institutional investment world and the majority of major countries agree on what needs to be done. COP26 represents a gear shift. Being billed by some investors, including Paris-based global manager Amundi Asset Management, as a “make it or break it Moment”, the…

    Greg Bright | 21st May 2021 | More
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