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Capital stewardship the big new topic for super funds

(pictured: Tom Garcia)  The big topic of “capital stewardship”, as a kind-of overlay for responsible investing and ESG that have been embraced by super funds and other fiduciaries, was a key theme at last week’s AIST Australian Superannuation Investment annual conference in Cairns. Tom Garcia, AIST chief executive, said the 430 capped-attendance to what is…

Investor Strategy News | 11th Sep 2016 | More
Acronyms and credit: both have their peculiarities

The investment world loves its acronyms, even though, as the old gag goes, we should try to avoid TLAs (three-letter acronyms). Here’s a new one: the MAC, which stands for multi-asset credit. It’s a potential new path in the search for yield. A client research note from global manager Eaton Vance Investment Managers – ‘Accessing…

Investor Strategy News | 11th Sep 2016 | More
  • AXA aims for role in super fund retirement solutions debate

    (pictured: Laurent Bourlard) AXA Investment Managers has signalled its intention to be a part of the search for workable retirement solutions for the members of the not-for-profit super funds. It is looking at ways to incorporate some of the funds’ existing strategies and managers in its own design thinking. Craig Hurt, AXA IM’s director, Australia and…

    Investor Strategy News | 4th Sep 2016 | More
    New-style capex shows up pockets of growth

    (pictured: Mike Schneider) A common lament among investors is ‘where to invest’ for growth if equities are fully priced and interest rates are low-to-negative. According to a paper by Artisan Partners, companies which combine technological advances with traditional industrial characteristics of quality are a good place to look. In Australia to speak at a Conexus conference…

    Investor Strategy News | 4th Sep 2016 | More
  • The fees conundrum: fund managers need to get used to it

    (pictured: Michael Gordon) by Michael Gordon* Much has been written on these pages in recent weeks on the issue of fund manager fees. The argument is not new and is typically partisan. However, in 30 years in the business I’ve never seen fee pressure so extreme. Fees right across the traditional asset management agency chain have…

    Investor Strategy News | 4th Sep 2016 | More
    Link shines a light for all on the value in admin

    (pictured: John McMurtrie) The Link Group maiden full year result as a listed company did not disappoint. Perhaps the biggest surprise was how well Link has integrated the formerly troubled SuperPartners with its own super admin system. Administration, once the poor cousin to fund managers and banks in the service provider space, has a bright new…

    Investor Strategy News | 28th Aug 2016 | More
    How a strong greenback is impacting investor patterns

    (pictured: Dori Levanoni)  Whenever the US dollar spikes up or down investors around the world suddenly get interested in their currency exposures. Currency, it seems, is an after-thought asset class which happens to be, often, the first or second-biggest influencer of investment returns. That interest has been piqued right now. Dori Levanoni, a partner, investments,…

    Investor Strategy News | 28th Aug 2016 | More
    Thoughts on the ‘perfect storm’ impacting fund managers

    (pictured: Keri Pratt) By Keri Pratt* Australian asset managers exist in a superannuation ecosystem that is experiencing rapid or accelerated change (the ‘perfect storm’?) as a result of a range of factors and influences. These trends include: Regulatory change (increasing compliance costs, MySuper limitations and narrowed focus and now the Productivity Commission review) The arrival…

    Investor Strategy News | 28th Aug 2016 | More
    Fracking in the USA – an investor perspective

    (pictured: Bill Miller and Ben Blanchett) by Patrick Liddy* The US fracking revolution has transformed the economics of oil and gas production globally. The US has become a bigger producer than Saudi Arabia and again becoming energy independent. These dynamics lower energy prices for the end user worldwide while driving a robust US economy. The geopolitical…

    Investor Strategy News | 21st Aug 2016 | More
  • Aussie the odd-man out in Asian currency outlook

    (pictured: Louis Kuijs) The currency investment decision for super funds is the biggest and, arguably, most difficult they have to make. The Australian dollar has had the largest depreciation of any Asia Pacific currency since mid-2014, benefitting most big funds. In a new study, Oxford Economics predicts the future for Asian currencies. According to the paper…

    Investor Strategy News | 14th Aug 2016 | More
    Patent in the wings for new performance attribution method

    (pictured: Adrian Banner) Portfolio rebalancing has long been recognised as a way to add long-term value and maintain or improve diversification. However, it has always been difficult to measure its impact. Now, a US-based quant manager has applied to patent its algorithm for better performance attribution. Enhanced Investment Technologies (known as INTECH outside of Australia), an…

    Investor Strategy News | 14th Aug 2016 | More
    Blockchain without the hype: how to be part of the evolution

    (pictured: Patrick Lemmens and Jeroen van Oerle)   To date it is the big banks which have invested most in the development of distributed ledger technologies, commonly known as ‘blockchain’. But uses other than streamlined payments are rapidly being explored. New research calmly examines the likely impact for all financial services players. The research, by investment…

    Investor Strategy News | 14th Aug 2016 | More
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