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  • David Chaplin

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  • Lachlan Maddock

Data dearth bites ESG investors

While ESG is on the radar of most Australian institutional investors, none of them believe it’s currently necessary to what they do. While that’s starting to change, a lack of hard data stands in the way. Currently, none of the Australian institutional investors surveyed by BNP Paribas for its Global ESG Survey believe that ESG…

Lachlan Maddock | 17th Sep 2021 | More
Custodians prove their worth on ESG

As investment managers turn their eyes to the reputational risks of ESG, the custodians that support them have a responsibility to do the same, according to BNP Paribas Securities Services. “Underneath the whole challenge of ESG, as our clients are looking what it means to be an investor and holding all of those investments, the…

Lachlan Maddock | 10th Sep 2021 | More
China’s full circle back to ‘whether’

In the past 10 months, since November last year, the investor’s decision on China has done a fully circle – from not whether to invest but how to invest, back to not how but whether. It was in November that the Chinese Government scuttled the US$37 billion IPO of Ant Group, the financial services affiliate…

Greg Bright | 3rd Sep 2021 | More