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You can’t try and forecast every twist and turn, but you can prepare your portfolio to handle them. Brighter Super is piling into active equities and eyeing more infrastructure investments to navigate a volatile macro backdrop.
Funds that want to take the total portfolio approach first need to get the total portfolio view. To do that they not only need data – and lots of it – but a rock-solid understanding of exactly how they’re going to use it.
Mergers can consume the day-to-day life of a fund for years. But the investment decisions made during the process determine whether the new fund – and its membership – will thrive from day one.
With more and more money to invest every year, the megafunds think their future lies offshore. That leaves plenty of homegrown opportunities for the likes of the $32 billion Brighter Super.
YFYS is driving an uplift of the $31 billion Brighter Super’s investment strategy, while wider super fund performance is narrowing even as competition for new and switching members heats up with the end of default distribution.