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Morningstar’s wake-up call for theme-dreamers

Global research house, Morningstar, has prepped investors for disappointment amid a boom in thematic funds. In a new report on the sector, the researcher notes that while thematic funds have experienced record growth in recent years as well as outperformance, history suggests the good times won’t last for long. “Over the past 15 years, more…

David Chaplin | 20th Apr 2022 | More
How new quants combine best of both worlds

Quantitative investment management has undergone a massive lift in profile in recent years, largely due to the rise of ETFs and smart-beta strategies. But the ‘new quants’, as they are being called, are going much further than that. While hardly new to the space, Harindra (Harin) de Silva, a lead portfolio manager at Allspring Global…

Greg Bright | 31st Mar 2022 | More
Tuning out the hard assets mantra

The “hard asset mantra” is rising to a fever pitch in an inflationary environment, but investors should be “skeptical of historical analogies.” Inflation over the coming decade is expected to be closer to the experience of the 2000s than the 2010s, ending a paradigm that has underpinned an “unusually long bull market for stocks” and…

Staff Writer | 17th Mar 2022 | More
  • Longlead Capital gets set for new wholesale investors

    Longlead Capital Partners, the boutique long/short equities manager formed by two key players in the success of Regal Funds Management, has launched a traditional unlisted unit trust to allow better access to its strategies among Australian and New Zealand investors. Longlead, founded by Tim Campbell and Andrew West in 2014, has so far produced some…

    The Inside Network | 26th Nov 2020 | More
    Magellan launches its Core ETF series

    The well-known fund manager has launched a series of low-cost ETFs which will help further its reach into the retail investor market.

    Ishan Dan | 25th Aug 2020 | More
    Magellan’s next generation ETF is a ‘potential game changer’

    Magellan Financial Group has done some back office re-engineering to develop what it claims is the next generation of active exchange traded funds – a “one unit” product that allows investors to transact through off-market applications and through the Australian Securities Exchange. Magellan subsidiary Airlie Funds Management has listed the Airlie Australian Share Fund on…

    Annabelle Dickson | 11th Jun 2020 | More
  • Changing ETF landscape in 2020

    The ETF landscape continues to rapidly expand beyond the replication of major stock market indices such as the S&P/ASX 200 and S&P 500. Today’s investor can choose ETFs across different sectors, based on certain themes or even offering alternative weighting schemes, like yield or value, captured by the phrase smart beta.

    Contributor | 5th Feb 2020 | More