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Funds Management
There’s “nothing sinister” about funds taking advantage of government incentives to enhance returns for members, according to IFM. And when it comes to those funds heading offshore, “culture eats strategy”.
Frontier has added to its capital markets capability with a new appointment, while a member of its PhD internship program will be joining the firm in a permanent role.
Private credit is experiencing massive growth at a time when the global economy is changing faster than ever. Investors need to look at where it’s going, rather than where it’s been.
Your Future Your Super makes ESG investing a fraught proposition for super funds. But decarbonising benchmarks doesn’t have to generate (that much) tracking error – if you do it right.
While funds have backed affordable housing as an asset class, nation-building initiatives like the Housing Australia Future Fund (HAFF) still need tweaks to create certainty for institutional investors.
Super funds are sticking with the ‘best endeavours’ approach to the Superannuation Data Transformation program. But in giving less information, they’re going to get less back.
Farming out sustainable investing to passive or low cost options isn’t “for the faint of heart”. In a new world where the winners aren’t as obvious, active management should thrive.
Political polarization in the United States and new regulations affecting the labelling of products and funds means boutique ESG managers are back in the spotlight.
Super funds are a perfect fit for nation-building infrastructure projects, as long as the government doesn’t compete against them. And it shouldn’t be drawn into competing with the US Inflation Reduction Act when the opportunity set is broader than it seems.
Active managers have been “getting it in the teeth” since the GFC, but that’s about to change as the massive misallocation of capital unwinds. The most valuable companies in the world are trading at a multiple that doesn’t befit their status.
One of Australia’s largest retail super funds will be hauled before the court over allegations it engaged in greenwashing of products in what will likely be a test case for the practice.
ART has recruited HESTA’s investment committee chair as his term ends and the former deputy governor of the RBA.