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Funds Management
Managed equity funds have experienced their worst outflows since the Covid downturn of early 2020, according to Calastone. Specialist sector funds are feeling the pain too.
Mercer Super wants to break down the long-held perception that only the industry funds can offer strong performance with competitive fees. Its newfound scale and global footprint are key to the “disruption opportunity”.
Funds that have failed the Your Future Your Super performance test need to improve their communications on underperformance and product closure, according to ASIC.
The changes to the Your Future Your Super performance test are an improvement, according to WTW. But the application of the test to trustee-directed products is probably more of a negative than a positive, and some benchmarks remain inflexible.
The Paris-aligned benchmarks that an increasing number of global investors now subscribe to disincentivise activities that might actually help the energy transition, according to index provider Scientific Beta.
It’s not so much the scale as the speed of Australian Retirement Trust’s growth that makes investing tough. A big allocation today might be a tiny slice of the pie tomorrow.
As the pace of superannuation consolidation slows, Cbus CEO Justin Arter will step down and the fund he’s run since 2020 will embark on a new growth plan.
Active management and diversification are “essential” in the emerging carbon credit market. TelstraSuper is getting both through a new strategy from Apostle Funds Management.
If you’re not gaining market share in a rapidly consolidating industry, you’re losing it. One of ART’s smallest proposed mergers offers big opportunities for national growth.
There’s “nothing sinister” about funds taking advantage of government incentives to enhance returns for members, according to IFM. And when it comes to those funds heading offshore, “culture eats strategy”.
Frontier has added to its capital markets capability with a new appointment, while a member of its PhD internship program will be joining the firm in a permanent role.
Private credit is experiencing massive growth at a time when the global economy is changing faster than ever. Investors need to look at where it’s going, rather than where it’s been.