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Funds Management
When the bear market reverses, something very different might lead the way out. The adaptability and flexibility of a momentum-based approach could be a boon.
The superannuation industry is grappling with the complexity of delivering retirement solutions. Perhaps the only way to assess how well they work in the future is to start assessing them right now.
As rising inflation and rates bite into returns, institutional investors are increasingly turning to factor investing to help them weather the storm.
Vanguard is living up to its name, with the launch of its superannuation product likely heralding a new age of high intensity fee competition. Managing director Daniel Shrimski says the index giant is willing to play “the long game” to become a major player in the market.
UniSuper is “scouring the domestic market” to build out its unlisted investment portfolio. And as a signatory to the new Affordable Housing Accord, it’s investigating the YFYS benchmark risk of nation-building.
New research confirms the “anecdotal concerns” of the superannuation industry that the current design of the Your Future Your Super test makes responsible investing a no-go zone.
Legalsuper CEO Andrew Proebstl is saying goodbye to the fund he’s run for 20 years. But with super once again standing on the cusp of change, he still wants to be part of the industry.
China A share quant house Mingshi is turning its algorithms on the sustainable investing opportunity as government support for a greener economy grows.
The CEO of AustralianSuper says the Morrison Government doesn’t get enough credit for introducing the YFYS reforms, and that funds need to stop arguing over its detail and get on with the business of performing against the benchmarks.
Following a flurry of activity where it deployed more than $3 billion of capital into real assets and private markets in Australia and overseas, TCorp has a new head for the division – with more investments to come.
The Grattan Institute says that “maintaining the integrity” of the performance test is vital and that the review should seek to make incremental improvements rather than wholesale reforms.
Following a “comprehensive and thorough” tender process, the $230 billion Australian Retirement Trust has consolidated its custody arrangements post-merger.