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Funds Management
While most super funds will deliver their members a negative return this year amidst an indiscriminate selloff, they remain well ahead of their long-term objectives.
Market conditions have shifted dramatically in recent months. But while growth strategies have suffered significant pain, value investors are finally proving their bona fides.
While the best financial interests’ duty (BFID) has seen some super funds think twice about ESG,
reconciling ESG and responsible investment with best financial interests’ duty isn’t the hurdle some think.
Specialist UK-based impact investment firm, WHEB, has upped its fund turnover amid recent market volatility, according to associate portfolio manager, Victoria MacLean.
While institutions are yet to make the jump into cryptocurrencies, State Street’s move to launch its first new division in 40 years shows that a whole new universe of assets is here to stay.
Shareholders in toll road operator Atlas Arteria believe the company will be able to drum up significant offshore interest in the face of a raid on its registry by IFM Investors.
Talks between NAB Asset Servicing and HSBC for the latter to take charge of the former’s 30 largest clients have allegedly faltered.
Academically driven global index provider Scientific Beta has taken strides in its commercialisation with its latest offering. It has also prompted the question: is there a point where smart beta becomes dumb alpha?
Everybody wants certainty, but it’s the one thing in short supply in markets today.
Federated Hermes is looking to expand its stewardship and private markets services in Australia as the rapidly consolidating super sector is forced to go global.
The rivers of gold that have flowed over the last decade have not flowed to more innovative products, according to Boston Consulting Group.
Mercer Super Trust’s merger with Westpac’s superannuation assets will prepare the retail fund for a new era of competition in Australia’s rapidly consolidating super sector.