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How the world’s biggest funds coped in 2020

Most of the world’s largest institutional investors – 438 sovereign wealth and public pension funds – had a tough time last year. They had to cope with government capital drawdowns alongside market volatility and other problems due to the pandemic. According to the annual report of Global SWF, a private organisation that researches the space,…

Investor Strategy News | 6th Jan 2021 | More
BNY Mellon goes for experience with new Aussie head

After a six-month search, BNY Mellon Investment Management has filled the gap at the top in Australia, recruiting experienced funds management CEO and marketer Paul Bolinowski as its new country head. He will be responsible for providing the overall strategic direction for and expansion of the Australian investment management business. BNY Mellon has a group…

Investor Strategy News | 11th Dec 2020 | More
  • Moffitt and Selth in dramatic investment turn

    Phil Moffitt, a former Australia head of Goldman Sachs Asset Management and renowned bond manager, and Chris Selth, an international equities manager in Sydney and New York for BT and Five Oceans, are undertaking a very different venture. They have formed an impact investing boutique, Beckon Capital, housed in a terrace-style block in Sydney’s increasingly…

    Investor Strategy News | 11th Dec 2020 | More
    Class action puts more pressure on IOOF

    Following forceful questioning by shareholders at its annual meeting last month comes news that a class action against IOOF, undertaken by Shine Lawyers, has progressed through the funding stage. A previously proposed action, through lawyers Quinn Emanual, was dropped early this year. Patrick Liddy, the principal of MSI Group consultants, and Shine Lawyers have been…

    Investor Strategy News | 11th Dec 2020 | More
  • Allen Partners brings bitcoin manager to Australia

    Due to its open-source ethos, bitcoin has travelled an unconventional growth path. For starters, no-one seems to know who invented it (rumoured to be a Sydneysider, possible pseudonym Hitoshi Nakamoto) but what we know is when it will all end – in 104 years when the last bitcoin will be mined. Putting its start behind…

    Investor Strategy News | 11th Dec 2020 | More
    Cambridge out, JANA in for NZ trust

    by David Chaplin The NZ$1.5 billion (A$1.4 billion) Foundation North has replaced Cambridge Associates with the Australian firm JANA as investment consultants. The move ends a 10-year relationship between the big community trust and Cambridge. In a release last week (December 8), the Auckland-based trust, headed by Peter Tynan, said the trustees confirmed JANA on…

    Investor Strategy News | 11th Dec 2020 | More
    The generational change at Maple-Brown Abbott

    After nearly 20 years at Maple-Brown Abbott Ltd, Australia’s quintessential home-grown boutique fund manager, Dougal Maple-Brown doesn’t get too carried away with what for the past couple of months has been looking like, at last, a rotation in the style cycle. Dougal, a lawyer by background who moved into investment banking with Baring Bros, where…

    Investor Strategy News | 11th Dec 2020 | More
    Perpetual’s plan of attack with global expansion

    Aided by its two new global funds management subsidiaries in the US, Perpetual is giving its institutional distribution capabilities an overdue boost. And it is starting to pay off. Trillium Asset Management, an ESG specialist acquired early this year, is up for mandates in Europe, Asia and Australia. “We just have to do the same…

    Investor Strategy News | 10th Dec 2020 | More
    Dan Higgins returns to institutional market with 3PD

    Dan Higgins, who made a name for himself globally as the CIO of a successful fund of hedge funds manager, has returned to the Australian and New Zealand institutional market through a new third-party distributor, 3PD Pty Ltd. Higgins, CIO and a founding partner of Marylebone Partners LLP in London, has hooked up with the…

    Investor Strategy News | 10th Dec 2020 | More
  • Martin Currie adds leverage to UK closed-end fund

    In a sign of a high level of confidence in their ability to beat the market over time, Martin Currie has added a 10 per cent borrowing capacity to its UK-based closed-end ‘global portfolio trust’. The independent board, chaired by Neil Gaskell, said this was another endorsement of the high-conviction equities strategy. The Martin Currie…

    Investor Strategy News | 5th Dec 2020 | More
    The ‘how’, not ‘when’, of value’s coming resurrection

    Predicting when a sustained rally in value stocks may occur has proved to be a fool’s errand for the past several years, but that hasn’t stopped value managers from trying. In its latest paper on the subject, Lazard Asset Management has provided a pathway, if not a timeline. The paper, ‘Can Investors Still Believe in…

    Investor Strategy News | 5th Dec 2020 | More
    King back to Sovereign … and a more relaxed lifestyle

    Ray King, the veteran asset consultant, has finished up a four-year stint at IOOF, where he had been assisting with its relatively small alternatives portfolio. He will now be concentrating on his private Sovereign Investment Research work and taking more time out for grandchildren and travel. While IOOF has let a good number of people…

    Investor Strategy News | 5th Dec 2020 | More
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