Paul Woolley celebrates 10 years with big-name conference
(pictured: Paul Woolley)
The University of Technology Sydney is hosting its 10th annual Paul Woolley Centre two-day conference with a focus on how our financial institutions rate and whether there’s an ‘Uber’ in the wings to disrupt them. Benchmarking and failings in retirement products will also come under scrutiny.
The Paul Woolley Centre for Capital Market Dysfunctionality assists with research on a range of capital markets activities at UTS and other universities such as the University of Toulouse and London School of Economics, where it is based.
Paul Woolley, the founder and major benefactor, is a former UK director of global manager GMO. The UTS connection, Professor Ron Bird, who oversees the Australian conference, was one of the founders of GMO in Australia.
There are several international headline speakers this year – on October 6-7 at the UTS campus – to celebrate the 10th anniversary. They include:
- Professor Jonathan Berk from Stanford University on “Removing the Veil: How the Money Management Industry Works”
- Professor Henk Berkman of Auckland University on “Personal Trading by Employees of Financial Institutions”
- Dr Gustavo Adler of the IMF on “Currency Wars and Unconventional Policies
- Paul Woolley on “The Curse of Benchmarking”, supported by an empirical study from Danny Yeung of UTS, and
- One for the everyday Sydney or Melbourne property owner as well as the academics: “How Auctions Amplify House Price Fluctuations”, to be delivered by Alina Arefeva, also of Stanford.
The conference is open to industry participants by invitation. Interested parties should contact [email protected] for more details.