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Seventy inventions up for sale


Andy KarpisekĀ 
In a rare offering, veteran Australian inventor Andy Karpisek, 91, has put his entire portfolio of about 70 R&D projects and patents on the market for private sale. The projects are in various stages of development and cover a range of industries, including cleantech.
Helping to promote the sale, publisher Victor Bivell of ‘Eco Investor’ last week said: “Mr Karpisek is looking for someone or an organisation that would be willing to take over his many developed innovations and projects. This could be individual projects, groups of projects, or the entire portfolio.
“Andy, and the company he founded, Technosearch Pty Ltd, have been involved in a huge number of R&D projects and technical solutions across many areas of industry including materials handling, security, combustion engines, pumps and compressors, medicine, horticulture, clean energy and others. The latest development is a method for harvesting energy from the movement of water in the oceans.
“Other cleantech inventions are a Temperature Differential Conversion technology (TDCt) and simple water desalination process that needs no external energy input; an energy recovery plant with efficiencies in reverse osmosis for waste water treatment and industrial processes; an energy efficient power system for domestic and industrial grey water treatment; peritoneal dialysis that does not require any energy input and allows the patient to walk around and even do light work; and wireless lighting for gardens, driveways, roads and sporting fields.
“Over his career Andy has been involved in around 1,200 Patents and Patent Applications. He has received official recognition and won many Awards, including a recent nomination for a Noble Prize for his research in clean energy. Among his most successful inventions is the Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) which is used internationally by the logistics industry,” Bivell said.
“Andy says that some of his undeveloped ideas could make a valuable contribution and not to have them developed would be a great loss.”
Further information at the Technosearch website.Ā Ā Karpisek can be contacted on +61 (02) 9525 4316 or on email:Ā [email protected].

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