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  • David Chaplin

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  • Lachlan Maddock

‘Scar tissue’ matters in private equity (and so do fads)

“Most of the new capital that’s come into the markets… has been chasing fads,” says David Chan, portfolio manager at MLC Private Equity. “The latest hot opportunity, whether it be an unprofitable tech company that’s growing very rapidly, or a very large scale buyout that’s the headline of tomorrow’s AFR.”

Lachlan Maddock | 16th Sep 2022 | More
‘Power can be used well or it can be used poorly’: Super funds and too big to fail

The Albanese Government has begun to explore the potential negative impacts of super fund consolidation. The question is whether a super fund can ever be too big to fail.

Lachlan Maddock | 26th Aug 2022 | More
Big super’s ‘once in a lifetime opportunity’ to build the future

Hostplus CIO Sam Sicilia believes the trillions of dollars washing around super could be put to good use in nation-building projects – and that criticisms of investing in unlisted assets are an “absurdity”.

Lachlan Maddock | 23rd Aug 2022 | More
  • ‘We’re unashamedly in the business of scale’: AustralianSuper grows up – and sticks to its knitting

    Overseas, Australia’s biggest super fund is a small fish in a massive pond. To achieve the scale it wants it will have to dive deeper into the private markets, meeting stiff competition from its North American peers along the way.

    Lachlan Maddock | 19th Aug 2022 | More
    ‘Some will succeed, some will struggle’ as super funds dive into private markets

    Australia’s super funds have been leaders in adopting private markets investing, but they’ve still got a long way to go. Overcoming the obsession with liquidity will be one hurdle, says the boss of $900 billion private markets manager Hamilton Lane.

    Lachlan Maddock | 29th Jul 2022 | More
    Funds rewarded by active management in a tough year

    Super fund members have been “spared the worst”, while the outperformance of the top ten funds was generated by active management and chunky allocations to private markets.

    Lachlan Maddock | 20th Jul 2022 | More
  • ‘In good markets and bad’, Super Fierce finds top 15 funds

    “When it comes to super, all the evidence points to the more you pay, the less you get. There’s lots of reasons for that, the most fundamental of which is that active management really struggles to outperform the market.”

    Lachlan Maddock | 15th Jul 2022 | More
    Funds in the red, black or pink: it depends

    Super fund data companies are rushing to beat deadlines for June 30 figures, with heightened interest from industry participants and members. The median balanced fund was minus 3.3 per cent, SuperRatings said.

    Greg Bright | 8th Jul 2022 | More
  • At ASI, a big picture comes with a small note of caution

    While big super is all in on its newly-acquired nation building goals, a hint of caution about member outcomes pervaded last week’s AIST Superannuation Investment conference.

    Lachlan Maddock | 17th Jun 2022 | More
    Why industry funds must keep ‘the hunger to succeed’: Delaney

    Some within the sector believe the super wars are over and that industry funds have emerged victorious. But they shouldn’t take their primacy, or the change in government, for granted.

    Lachlan Maddock | 15th Jun 2022 | More