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New data shows the shape of the super industry to come (and what members think of it)

KPMG’s latest Super Insights report shows the future shape that the industry might take, with distinct cohorts of funds now emerging across size and service. But there’s little positive sentiment to be found about funds online.

Lachlan Maddock | 29th May 2024 | More
Frontier hones private markets, real assets capabilities

The asset consultant has rounded out its real assets and private markets research with two new appointments as both areas grow in importance to the institutional investors it services.

Staff Writer | 18th Aug 2023 | More
Rise of the mega fund: Super gets competitive on mergers and members

Competition in super is heating up but it’s not yet come to the boil. Mergers, member retention and retirement are all shaping up as key battlegrounds for funds.

Lachlan Maddock | 5th May 2023 | More
  • ‘A moment of truth’ arrives for super mergers

    There’s no end in sight for super fund consolidation, and even top performing funds are merging in an effort to keep up. But what gets lost in the debate is what members think of it all.

    Lachlan Maddock | 18th Jan 2023 | More
    ‘We’re unashamedly in the business of scale’: AustralianSuper grows up – and sticks to its knitting

    Overseas, Australia’s biggest super fund is a small fish in a massive pond. To achieve the scale it wants it will have to dive deeper into the private markets, meeting stiff competition from its North American peers along the way.

    Lachlan Maddock | 19th Aug 2022 | More
    Prepare for the might of the giga-fund

    In less than 20 years there will likely be a trillion-dollar super fund. So how will it throw its awesome weight around? It might have been premature to label AustralianSuper our first mega-fund. After all, it gives little room to move when coming up with a descriptor for a fund that will someday manage $1…

    Lachlan Maddock | 29th Apr 2022 | More
  • Silk joins KPMG for ESG push

    Ian Silk, AustralianSuper’s powerhouse former chief executive officer, will join KPMG part-time as the firm broadens its focus on ESG solutions. Ian Silk will join KPMG as a special advisor, working on ESG issues as part of the firm’s “reinvigorated plans to help clients embrace the greater focus on ESG responsibilities” as well as on…

    Staff Writer | 25th Nov 2021 | More
    Mega funds start mopping up

    The trend towards super consolidation is continuing apace, but there will be fewer mega mergers. It’s now just a matter of mopping up. Mega fund mergers are likely to slow as boards realise the “significant transition planning and integration activity” required to pull them off – but the established mega funds will continue to gobble…

    Lachlan Maddock | 18th Nov 2021 | More
  • Why we’re still arguing about fund mergers

    It’s approaching orthodoxy that a merger is always in the best interests of members. But is bigger always better? What is the true price of scale? Leeanne Turner, Spirit Super’s inaugural chief executive, told a CMSF audience in May: “If you’re not considering a merger then you either have your head in the sand or…

    Lachlan Maddock | 11th Jun 2021 | More
    Fund mergers now a question of where it all stops

    KPMG believes $50 billion is about the minimum size for an APRA-regulated fund when the dust settles. Helen Rowell, the retiring deputy chair of APRA, believes it should be $30 billion. The figures were bandied about at the CMSF conference where mergers were discussed in some detail. Leeanne Turner, who has just been through one…

    Greg Bright | 21st May 2021 | More