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Where to really find alpha (and things like it)

Too much of what managers call alpha is just a roll of the dice. To find the real stuff you have to look in private markets, according to Michael Block, while trend following strategies will get you something that looks just like it.

Lachlan Maddock | 20th Sep 2023 | More
How much diversification is enough?

Investors are sailing in uncharted waters, writes Michael Block, and the only way to navigate them is through a well-diversified portfolio. But is it possible to have too much of a good thing?

Michael Block | 27th Jul 2023 | More
Credit’s day of reckoning is upon us

Those that have made high returns by overpaying for higher-risk/lower-quality credit have been lucky and credit conditions are unlikely to be so easy in the future, writes Michael Block. Now is the time to take a very thorough look at one’s credit exposures.

Michael Block | 26th May 2023 | More
  • The quest for the ‘Holy Grail’ of investment

    Genuine uncorrelated alpha is the holy grail of investments, writes Michael Block, but managers and strategies that can actually generate it are hard to find. So what’s a poor boy to do?

    Michael Block | 3rd May 2023 | More
    If you’re buying a bull, buy a young bull

    Basing an investment strategy on the goldilocks investment markets of the last 35 years gives rise to considerable risk, writes Michael Block, and now might be the time to get out of growth assets.

    Michael Block | 24th Mar 2023 | More
    Your Future Your Super isn’t everything – it’s the only thing: Block

    Your Future Your Super is poorly implemented, draconian, stifles innovation and has proven to be a gigantic – and expensive – waste of time. Other than that it’s a really good idea, writes Michael Block.

    Michael Block | 3rd Feb 2023 | More