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How Mine Super’s investment reset took it from a YFYS ‘clobbering’ to top of the charts

The $13 billion industry fund has seen a significant turnaround in member outcomes since it rethought its “technically outstanding” but conservative investment strategy and has topped Chant West’s growth ranking for a second year running.

Lachlan Maddock | 19th Jul 2024 | More
‘One plus one equals three’ in Mine/TWUSUPER Team-up

The $13 billion Mine Super is headed for a merger with TWUSUPER that will diversify both funds’ member bases into new sectors, plug gaps in their portfolios and prepare it for a world where bigger is (allegedly) better.

Lachlan Maddock | 3rd May 2024 | More
Where to really find alpha (and things like it)

Too much of what managers call alpha is just a roll of the dice. To find the real stuff you have to look in private markets, according to Michael Block, while trend following strategies will get you something that looks just like it.

Lachlan Maddock | 20th Sep 2023 | More
  • Funds grapple with ‘clumsy regulation’ while retail super reinvents itself

    Megafunds are outstripping APRA’s ability to regulate them effectively, according to a panel of super executives, while private asset valuations are a source of “real tension” between funds and the government despite its big nation-building push.

    Lachlan Maddock | 10th May 2023 | More
    ‘We haven’t been told where we’re going’: big super’s brave new world

    A landmark report from J.P. Morgan paints a picture of an industry racing towards a future that it doesn’t yet understand. Our big super funds look like strangers in a strange land. “What would be helpful from a regulatory perspective, or even a government perspective, is what are we actually driving towards?” says Mine Super…

    Lachlan Maddock | 16th Mar 2022 | More
    ‘Is that the best outcome?’: Member inequality lurks in illiquids

    Despite their surging popularity, risks lurk within illiquid assets that put member outcomes and portfolio quality at risk – and there’s little regulation for handling them. Illiquid assets – anything from infrastructure and commercial property to venture capital and private equity – are experiencing a surge in popularity as institutional investors face down a future…

    Lachlan Maddock | 21st Jan 2022 | More
  • Coenraads retires from investment coalface

    Paul Coenraads, the manager investment operations at Australian Catholic Superannuation and a former head of investments at Mine Super, retired last week (July 8) after nearly 40 years in the industry. Coenraads, who recently turned 60, said his retirement had long been planned. He and his wife bought a home at scenic Fingal Bay, north…

    Greg Bright | 9th Jul 2021 | More
    How YFYS could hurt super, forever

    Nobody questions the need to fix super, although there appears little consensus on what needs to be changed and how. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s October “recovery” Budget delivered an unwelcome surprise to the $3 trillion super industry: a slew of reforms under the title ‘Your Future Your Super’ which could fundamentally alter retirement outcomes. The changes,…

    Lachlan Maddock | 28th May 2021 | More