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Start asking the right questions on net zero: Ninety One

To get the most benefit from the transition to net zero it’s worth asset owners considering the natural advantages they have and the areas where they’re best placed to provide capital.

Staff Writer | 3rd Jul 2024 | More
What investors are missing about EMD

There’s been good times and bad times for the EM set, but they’ve exited Covid monetary settings well ahead of their developed market peers and their debt is back en vogue.

Staff Writer | 5th Apr 2024 | More
Why it’s time to look beyond ‘terrible’ China performance

The EM story of economic growth and portfolio diversification should work in theory – but what’s worked in practice has been altogether different. Still, gloom around China obscures the many bright spots in a diverse market.

Staff Writer | 1st Mar 2024 | More
  • Don’t chase markets into the ‘danger zone’: Ninety One

    The peak in interest rates and inflation has been supportive of markets, but there’s still plenty of turbulence ahead and investors should be wary of chasing stocks higher.

    Staff Writer | 16th Feb 2024 | More
    Institutional investors weigh climate investing trade-offs

    The use of climate-related investment practices is seeing a sharp fall among the global institutional investor set, while more than half of them are worried about achieving the best returns while delivering emissions reductions targets.

    Staff Writer | 24th Nov 2023 | More
    What’s really going on in the US bond market?

    The aggressive sell off in US bonds has prompted many to speculate that interest rates have adjusted upwards on a structural basis. But Ninety One investment strategist Russell Silbertson takes a different view.

    Russell Silbertson | 26th Oct 2023 | More
  • Why investors can’t write China off yet

    China still offers a compelling long-term investment story for investors willing to look past short-term headwinds in property and politics, according to Ninety One.

    Staff Writer | 22nd Sep 2023 | More
    Why big super leads the pack on impact

    The bias towards investing in domestic securities and the complexity of the local benchmarks mean the impact investing conversation is “very advanced” Down Under, according to global asset manager Ninety One.

    Staff Writer | 13th Sep 2023 | More
  • Soft landing for the US getting hard to imagine: Ninety One

    Ongoing tightness in the US labour market, together with stickier than anticipated inflation, could counteract any softening of monetary policy by the Fed and lead to a bumpy economic path according to Ninety One’s Iain Cunningham.

    Staff Writer | 4th Aug 2023 | More
    World a riskier place as deflationary pressures loom: Ninety One

    This downturn will be different, according to Ninety One. But the world is so indebted that there’s either the mother of all paybacks coming, or the mother of all defaults.

    Staff Writer | 16th Jun 2023 | More
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