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The CIO Is still considered the shot caller, but the fundamental changes that the super system is experiencing means funds could adopt a more diffuse operational model and power will shift away from the “masters of the universe”.
Breaking superannuation into three different funding models may not be the right answer, former Lazard executive Rob Prugue writes, but at least it cuts through the fallacy at the heart of our superannuation ideal.
It was a budget that will be remembered for its headline deficit more than anything else. For big super funds there was a sigh of relief for the SG and that’s about it. The removal, at long last, of the $450-a-month floor for compulsory super payments has been roundly praised, in recognition that women will…
There are things to like and dislike about the Government Retirement Income Review for both sides of politics. And, also, to like and dislike about providing ‘observations’ rather than ‘recommendations’. But neither has quelled debate. In his opening comments at a webinar last Friday (November 27), Martin Fahey, the chief executive of ASFA, said it…
The ATO delivered some positive news, approving fractional property investment platform Domacom’s’ application to broaden the use of the $300,000 downsizer contribution.
There is a case for not proceeding with, or at least further deferring, the legislated increase in employers’ compulsory superannuation contributions from 9.5 per cent to 12 per cent.