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  • Lachlan Maddock

Super’s hidden merger problem – and some ideas to fix it

APRA’s “utopian ambition” for organic super fund consolidation might not be realised, leaving a long tail of small funds. More drastic measures could be needed.

Lachlan Maddock | 15th Mar 2023 | More
Now is the time to add alpha to your portfolio (unless you’re a super fund)

With prospective portfolio returns likely to be lower than they have been in the past, the incentive to reduce risk and enhance returns is greater than it has ever been. The investment maths is compelling, but regulatory risk might overpower it writes Michael Block.

Michael Block | 8th Mar 2023 | More
Your Future Your Super isn’t everything – it’s the only thing: Block

Your Future Your Super is poorly implemented, draconian, stifles innovation and has proven to be a gigantic – and expensive – waste of time. Other than that it’s a really good idea, writes Michael Block.

Michael Block | 3rd Feb 2023 | More
  • ‘Don’t wait for APRA to blow the referee whistle’: Cole

    While APRA “doesn’t feel the need to start each year with a shiny new set of initiatives”, it’s still planning on scrutinising super funds’ valuation practices and giving more “sub-scale” funds the nudge to merge in 2023.

    Lachlan Maddock | 1st Feb 2023 | More
    ‘It was a feather in my cap’: Block looks back on eight years at ACS

    “We had the courage to stick with our investment strategies,” ACS CIO Michael Block tells ISN. “Often what happens with a strategy that doesn’t work is you cut and run at the wrong time. We were lucky enough or clever enough or brave enough that that didn’t happen, and our members reaped the benefit this year.”

    Lachlan Maddock | 2nd Dec 2022 | More
    Retirement strategies need new ways of judging the future

    The superannuation industry is grappling with the complexity of delivering retirement solutions. Perhaps the only way to assess how well they work in the future is to start assessing them right now.

    Lachlan Maddock | 16th Nov 2022 | More
  • ‘People know what happens when Vanguard comes to market’

    Vanguard is living up to its name, with the launch of its superannuation product likely heralding a new age of high intensity fee competition. Managing director Daniel Shrimski says the index giant is willing to play “the long game” to become a major player in the market.

    Lachlan Maddock | 11th Nov 2022 | More
    The verdict is in: YFYS curbs ESG

    New research confirms the “anecdotal concerns” of the superannuation industry that the current design of the Your Future Your Super test makes responsible investing a no-go zone.

    Lachlan Maddock | 9th Nov 2022 | More
  • ‘Tremendous positive change’: Paul Schroder says yes to the test

    The CEO of AustralianSuper says the Morrison Government doesn’t get enough credit for introducing the YFYS reforms, and that funds need to stop arguing over its detail and get on with the business of performing against the benchmarks.

    Lachlan Maddock | 4th Nov 2022 | More
    Why APRA should have more leeway on YFYS

    Adding a qualitative measure of performance or the right to appeal to YFYS could enhance consumer outcomes. But critics have warned that it could defang the test.

    Lachlan Maddock | 4th Nov 2022 | More