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Different benchmarks, different challenges for the new YFYS

The changes to the Your Future Your Super performance test are an improvement, according to WTW. But the application of the test to trustee-directed products is probably more of a negative than a positive, and some benchmarks remain inflexible.

Lachlan Maddock | 5th Apr 2023 | More
My father’s table: How super could fail

As Australian superannuation assets approach A$4 trillion, politicians on both sides of the divide will be tempted to dip into this massive nest egg to meet their fiscal needs, writes Rob Prugue.

Rob Prugue | 31st Mar 2023 | More
If you’re buying a bull, buy a young bull

Basing an investment strategy on the goldilocks investment markets of the last 35 years gives rise to considerable risk, writes Michael Block, and now might be the time to get out of growth assets.

Michael Block | 24th Mar 2023 | More
  • Decarbonising YFYS benchmarks (without failing the test)

    Your Future Your Super makes ESG investing a fraught proposition for super funds. But decarbonising benchmarks doesn’t have to generate (that much) tracking error – if you do it right.

    Lachlan Maddock | 22nd Mar 2023 | More
    Now is the time to add alpha to your portfolio (unless you’re a super fund)

    With prospective portfolio returns likely to be lower than they have been in the past, the incentive to reduce risk and enhance returns is greater than it has ever been. The investment maths is compelling, but regulatory risk might overpower it writes Michael Block.

    Michael Block | 8th Mar 2023 | More
    Coalition finds its footing in the super wars

    The Coalition wants to take the upper hand in the often emotional superannuation wars. Nation building and the new objective of super give it the perfect opportunity.

    Lachlan Maddock | 24th Feb 2023 | More
  • ‘Don’t wait for APRA to blow the referee whistle’: Cole

    While APRA “doesn’t feel the need to start each year with a shiny new set of initiatives”, it’s still planning on scrutinising super funds’ valuation practices and giving more “sub-scale” funds the nudge to merge in 2023.

    Lachlan Maddock | 1st Feb 2023 | More
    JANA chases family offices, not-for-profits as super sees ‘significant change’

    Australia’s largest homegrown asset consultant is plotting an expansion further beyond its traditional superannuation clients, while consolidation in the industry is changing the way they work.

    Lachlan Maddock | 13th Jan 2023 | More
  • Chant West’s fix for the ‘unintended, unacceptable’ consequences of YFYS

    Chant West’s proposed replacement for the performance test might cut through the complexity and create a fairer system for super funds, which have dramatically altered their investment strategies to avoid failing.

    Lachlan Maddock | 25th Nov 2022 | More
    Retirement strategies need new ways of judging the future

    The superannuation industry is grappling with the complexity of delivering retirement solutions. Perhaps the only way to assess how well they work in the future is to start assessing them right now.

    Lachlan Maddock | 16th Nov 2022 | More