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Investor Strategy News

Investor Strategy News results

How subjectivity can add to objectives-based investing

(pictured: Eric Sorensen) Objectives-based investing will shape funds management in future, especially with individual investors, who will continue to pay for manager insights but not so much for systematic strategies, according to Matt Olsen, the chief executive of Lonsec Research. Olsen spoke last week at a briefing on ‘The Future of Funds Management’ organised by Pengana…

Investor Strategy News | 29th May 2016 | More
Women in Super scholarship winners

(pictured: Keri Pratt) Women in Super NSW has provided four more scholarships to members under its arrangement with the University of NSW’s Australian Graduate School of Management, now in its second year. The scholarship program has helped boost interest in the NSW chapter of the Melbourne-based Women in Super, as well as attendance at its events….

Investor Strategy News | 29th May 2016 | More
Nick Basile to step down at Suncorp

(pictured: Nick Basile) by Greg Bright Suncorp CIO, Nick Basile, will retire from his position at the end of June and is looking to pursue a small number of non-executive director roles in the industry. A search is underway for his replacement. Basile’s career in funds management spans nearly four decades and traces the modern history…

Investor Strategy News | 22nd May 2016 | More
Macoun’s sweet success in Wilson/Pinnacle deal

(pictured: Ian Macoun) Ian Macoun probably felt a little hard done by when he left Perennial Investment Partners, of which he was one of the early directors, in 2005. Last week, when he effectively took control of the listed Wilson Group, he should feel justified in having stayed the course. Wilson shareholders should also celebrate. Macoun,…

Investor Strategy News | 22nd May 2016 | More
Funds get back to basics: chasing investment returns

(pictured: David Braga) The search for investment returns and the current risks in markets have replaced the former major concerns about dealing with regulatory changes and cutting costs among those involved in investments and operations at both super funds and fund managers, according to the latest annual survey by BNP Paribas Securities Services. In a sense,…

Investor Strategy News | 22nd May 2016 | More
  • The old and new of indices: how they change behaviour

    (pictured: Kathryn McDonald) In the evolution of investment management, the lines between active and passive are becoming blurred. Indices no longer reflect “the market”, or not many of them do. Investors should be aware of the implications. Kathryn McDonald, director of investment strategy at AXA Rosenberg Investment management, gave an interesting series of presentations in Australia…

    Investor Strategy News | 22nd May 2016 | More
    Lessons for Aussie funds as CalPERS cuts more managers

    (pictured: Wylie Tolette) It may be three times bigger than Australia’s largest super fund, but there are still lessons to be learned from its investment and operational strategies by big Australian investors. Here’s why, and how, CalPERS has cut its manager roster by more than 25 per cent. The US$302 billion Californian public sector fund, which…

    Investor Strategy News | 22nd May 2016 | More
    Why we don’t need central banks to be independent

    (pictured: Joachim Fels) The increased danger of deflation, rather than inflation, has prompted commentators such as Joachim Fels, PIMCO managing director and economic advisor, to wonder whether it would be so bad if central banks were no longer independent of government. In a paper produced last week, ‘The Downside of Central Bank Independence’  Fels argues that…

    Investor Strategy News | 22nd May 2016 | More
    UK fund fee furore a must-watch for all managers

    (pictured: Neil Woodford) by David Chaplin Australian and other fund managers would do well to watch the fee disclosure debate currently erupting in the UK. The recent move by high-profile UK manager Neil Woodford to publish all-up fund costs “in an easy-to-find and easy-to read way” has set a new disclosure benchmark. According to Guy Dobson,…

    Investor Strategy News | 22nd May 2016 | More
    Lower forever: stock prices taking ‘long term’ to extreme

    (Pictured: Andrew Bascand) By David Chaplin, Investment News NZ Many shares will need interest rates to stay at record lows forever to justify current prices, according to the latest Harbour Asset Management monthly report in New Zealand. The same applies for Australia. The Harbour note, published last week, says the New Zealand share market is characterised…

    Investor Strategy News | 15th May 2016 | More
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