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Investor Strategy News

Investor Strategy News results

Macquarie, AMP and CFS winners from China RMB reform

Macquarie Bank, AMP Capital and Colonial First State have the most potential to benefit from China granting Australia’s first RQFII quota last month, following the deal between the ASX and Bank of China which will allow RMB-denominated investments. China funds management industry researcher Z-Ben Advisors has analysed the new landscape. In a report to clients…

Investor Strategy News | 14th Dec 2014 | More
Tucker to lead new-style private wealth firm

(Pictured: Steve Tucker) When Steve Tucker ran MLC he fought the good fight for transparency on fees and fee-for-service advice, with a certain amount of success. Now, with the launch today of the new dealer group of which he is chair, Koda Capital, he gets to oversee a firm which is able to adhere to…

Investor Strategy News | 10th Dec 2014 | More
Murray’s legacy: not with a bang but a whimper

(Pictured: David Murray) comment by Greg Bright There were few, if any, surprises in the report of the Financial System Inquiry. Increased capital requirements for banks, a tad more regulation, some new regulatory bodies to oversee it, slightly sharper oversight and transparency in the planning world, a return to stricter gearing rules for super funds and…

Investor Strategy News | 7th Dec 2014 | More
Select recruits Dragana as head of research

(Pictured: Dragana Timotijevic) Select Investment Partners, which recently became a subsidiary of OneVue, has recruited experienced investment consultant Dragana Timotijevic as head of research. Timotijevic, who has for the past two years been doing contract work at the Australian Catholics super fund in Sydney and van Eyk Research, was previously a principal and global head of…

Investor Strategy News | 7th Dec 2014 | More
Allen returns to independent advisory role

(Pictured: Nicholas Allen) The Australian country head of multi-affiliate manager Eaton Vance, Nicholas Allen, will return to his advisory and third-party marketing company, Allen Partners, next month, to be replaced by Duncan Hodnett, who has worked for the Boston-based manager in London for the past four years. Allen, who represented Eaton Vance through Allen Partners prior…

Investor Strategy News | 7th Dec 2014 | More
  • The Vatican, not for profits and independent trustees

    (Pictured: Frank Pegan) by Patrick Liddy In late 1999, one of the Vatican’s custodians, gave a presentation to the to the Vatican investment fund secretary. She was flanked be several lawyers and at the time was concentrating on the ornate but functional legal document in front of her. Latin takes a lot of effort. The folk…

    Investor Strategy News | 7th Dec 2014 | More
    SS&C takeover aids hosting trend for fund managers

    (Pictured: Mark Hallett)  The SS&C Technologies takeover of DST Global Solutions is likely to see an acceleration in outsourcing by fund managers who will be able to have their investment accounting and asset servicing systems, such as DST’s HiPortfolio, hosted by the software company. The takeover, announced last week, does not include the rapidly growing…

    Investor Strategy News | 7th Dec 2014 | More
    Time to add some Asian spice to global equities

    (Pictured: Peter Sartori) by Greg Bright  Australian institutional investors are generally considered to be among the most sophisticated with their offshore investments. They pioneered international infrastructure and have been enthusiastic participants in overseas private equity, direct property and other real assets. But what about listed equities? While adopting an allocation, on average, of more than 30…

    Investor Strategy News | 7th Dec 2014 | More
    Analytics and reporting help BNP to win TWU Super

    (Pictured: Ian Perkins) Ian Perkins has kicked his first goal since becoming acting chief executive of BNP Paribas Securities Services in Australia, with the successful bid for custody and investment administration of TWU Super. The new contract, announced last week, followed a review by the fund with assistance from specialist consultant Drew Vaughan of Dymond, Foulds…

    Investor Strategy News | 7th Dec 2014 | More
    La Trobe expands FEAL ‘chief officer’ awards

    (Pictured: Sam Sicilia and Nicolle Rantanen) The CIO and COO Awards, which were presented for the first time last week under the joint production of founding sponsor La Trobe Financial and the Fund Executives Association Ltd, will be expanded next year to include a category for CFOs. The Awards, which carry a cash prize of $10,000…

    Investor Strategy News | 7th Dec 2014 | More
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