If the Albanese Government gets its way, superannuation will finally have a true objective. But actually legislating it will mean navigating a semantic minefield.
Osmosis IM was started with the belief that resource efficient companies would outperform their more wasteful peers. Fourteen years later it’s landed what’s likely the largest new ESG mandate in history.
It’s too soon to call the death of traditional portfolio construction even as an apparent new investment paradigm makes it more challenged. Investors should instead stay ‘humble students of the market’.
Magellan has flagged acquisitions and the addition of alternatives strategies as part of a five-year plan to reclaim the $100 billion plus heights it last scaled in 2021.
Superannuation funds are rapidly offshoring their assets as FUM grows faster than GDP, according to new data from NAB and ASFA. Coming early to the barbell strategy party has also paid off.
While diversifying strategies commanded the field through 2022, investors feel they’ve missed the boat on the returns to be had. Instead, they’re window shopping for more private equity.
Most asset allocators and institutional investors have a chief risk officer to manage investment volatility – but liquidity poses the greater risk, according to PGIM, and few institutions have a role for managing it.
Ex-Cooper Investors portfolio manager Qiao Ma has landed at Munro Partners, where she will help support its three global funds with research and stock ideas.
Strategic alignment on growth and data capabilities made State Street a good fit for Australian Retirement Trust’s custody needs. Hard-earned experience with mergers helped too.
The big headwind to the emerging markets is fading. But buying big stories about growth and shuffling money from one hot sector to another is no way to play them.