A punishing, indiscriminate sell-off has left opportunities lying on the floor. After a 13-year “anti-value phase”, the style is coming back into style.
As the new Labor Government explores pathways to 15 per cent, the superannuation industry needs to examine whether that’s really in the best interests of members.
The performance test as it stands isn’t “fit for purpose” when it comes to choice products. And its bright line nature means tweaks are needed for MySuper products too.
Everything old is new again amidst an inflation/rate/war driven synchronised selloff. But lessons from the 80s are still applicable today.
As the money-fueled tech bubble pops, value investing is clawing its way back to the top. But investors shouldn’t write off growth just yet, even if it’s not “coming back in a hurry.”
While Australia’s super funds have gradually increased their allocation to alternative investments as public market return expectations fall, new research questions whether that’s the best approach.
A new report from CEM Benchmarking shows that the Your Future Your Super (YFYS) performance test lifts system-wide outcomes. But size of fund is no silver bullet.
Northern Trust has joined other global custodians in creating a dedicated division for servicing digital assets.
The prophets of doom have seen their visions of a downturn realised, but the market is still tremendously expensive when compared with the bursting of previous bubbles.
Year-to-date, fixed income markets are about as bad as equities. But Michael Leithead, fixed income and senior portfolio manager at EFG Asset Management (EFGAM), is more positive than he’s been “in a long time.”