We’re now living through the end of a three or four decade long secular trend, and the strategies that have worked for super funds might no longer be as effective. But that’s what makes the job fun.
Some within the sector believe the super wars are over and that industry funds have emerged victorious. But they shouldn’t take their primacy, or the change in government, for granted.
As the fog of uncertainty creeps back in, Australia’s biggest investors are uncertain about where the next risk will emerge. It’s time to think about the unthinkable.
The Your Future Your Super (YFYS) performance test will likely harm ESG outcomes, but funds are increasingly considering impact as a sustainable investment weapon of choice.
Shareholders in toll road operator Atlas Arteria believe the company will be able to drum up significant offshore interest in the face of a raid on its registry by IFM Investors.
A significant chunk of global financial markets is at risk in a carbon constrained future. But while recent events have diverted attention from the transition, sustainability shouldn’t be on the backburner.
Talks between NAB Asset Servicing and HSBC for the latter to take charge of the former’s 30 largest clients have allegedly faltered.
Hostplus is navigating the current market upheaval – and a murky future – by pumping more money into unlisted assets. But despite a gloomy outlook, the “innovation genie” isn’t going anywhere.
Your Future, Your Super (YFYS) is the ultimate blunt instrument, and super will be glad to see it tweaked. But perhaps the bigger debate is around the future use of another blunt instrument: exclusion.
In the past, institutional investors have been accused of being too trigger happy when it comes to manager underperformance. But a new study has found they actually find it hard to let go.