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Lachlan Maddock


Lachlan is editor of Investor Strategy News and has extensive experience covering institutional investment.

Lachlan Maddock results

Custodians prove their worth on ESG

As investment managers turn their eyes to the reputational risks of ESG, the custodians that support them have a responsibility to do the same, according to BNP Paribas Securities Services. “Underneath the whole challenge of ESG, as our clients are looking what it means to be an investor and holding all of those investments, the…

Lachlan Maddock | 10th Sep 2021 | More
‘There’s no point being cheap if you’re crap’: Delaney

AustralianSuper is no longer the underdog. The question is what becomes of the industry fund culture when industry funds “are the status quo”. As Australia’s first $200 billion+ megafund, AustralianSuper is no longer the upstart born of the 2006 merger of the Australian Retirement Fund (ARF) and the Superannuation Trust of Australia (STA). It’s also…

Lachlan Maddock | 3rd Sep 2021 | More
‘We know it’s not perfect’: The future of Your Future Your Super

Despite APRA’s move to name and shame 13 underperforming funds, it’s clear that Your Future Your Super (YFYS) is a work in progress. More needs to be done to make it a true and fair test. Call them the Dirty (Baker’s) Dozen: 13 funds named and publicly shamed for their failure of the YFYS performance…

Lachlan Maddock | 3rd Sep 2021 | More
Negative correlation threatens flip

The negative correlation between bond and equity returns is taken as scripture in financial markets. But Capital Fund Management (CFM) warns that the times may be changing.   The negative correlation between bond and equity returns is the (relatively) simple idea that when equities go down, bonds go up, allowing bonds to act as a…

Lachlan Maddock | 27th Aug 2021 | More
No time for Future Fund to rest on its laurels

While Australia’s sovereign wealth fund has seen a massive return of 22 per cent, the good times won’t last. China tensions are weighing heavily on Peter Costello’s outlook. Rebounding from a negative 0.9 per cent return during the depths of Covid-19 is no small feat, but Peter Costello, Future Fund chairman, told media on Thursday…

Lachlan Maddock | 27th Aug 2021 | More
  • Epsilon gets on at the ground floor

    Australia’s direct lending market is set to take off as the big banks withdraw and investors realise the vast opportunities offered by the businesses that form the backbone of corporate Australia. “We want to grow this market, because we believe we’re offering something that’s going to be highly beneficial to investors in Australia in the…

    Lachlan Maddock | 27th Aug 2021 | More
    Lai’s new boutique ready for the Year of the Ox

    Going it alone is never easy. But it seems that for Dr Joseph Lai, the hardest part of starting his own boutique was picking a name. One candidate was ‘Iora’ – a colourful songbird found across many of the emerging markets that Lai has spent his career investing in. But Lai and his colleagues ultimately…

    Lachlan Maddock | 27th Aug 2021 | More
    Magellan hitches wagon to diversified future

    Magellan will continue to spend big on ventures like upstart investment bank Barrenjoey and fintech Finclear as it diversifies away from its cornerstone global equities business. With investors continuing to question the lacklustre performance of Magellan’s global equities strategy, which has been the focus of (occasionally unfair) media attention for going on a year now,…

    Lachlan Maddock | 20th Aug 2021 | More
    Bragg reignites national fund debate with ‘Super Guarantee Australia’

    Liberal senator Andrew Bragg believes the Future Fund should be made Australia’s default superannuation fund. But national superannuation is a political minefield. In conversation with Simon Cowan, research director at the Centre for Independent Studies, Bragg called compulsory superannuation a “fundamentally illiberal, paternalistic policy” and said that the Australian government should “take its responsibilities more…

    Lachlan Maddock | 20th Aug 2021 | More
    ESG in a worst-case world

    The sixth report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has lit a fire under fund managers – literally. The problem is figuring out what they can do about it. “In order to get to any kind of stable climate outcome, we need to reduce emissions, and we haven’t done that yet,” says Pablo…

    Lachlan Maddock | 19th Aug 2021 | More
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