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Appetite for diversifying strategies drops

While diversifying strategies commanded the field through 2022, investors feel they’ve missed the boat on the returns to be had. Instead, they’re window shopping for more private equity.

Lachlan Maddock | 15th Feb 2023 | More
Cooper closes Asia fund as PM exits

Cooper Investors has shuttered the retail and wholesale classes of its Asian Equities Fund following the resignation of portfolio manager Qiao Ma.

Lachlan Maddock | 3rd Feb 2023 | More
  • Man Group gets active as passive ‘reaches saturation point’

    The passive investment mega-wave has likely crested with active strategies poised for a long-overdue comeback over the next decade, according to a new Man Institute study.

    David Chaplin | 1st Feb 2023 | More
    Bear and bubbles: Grantham shouts another round

    Veteran investor, Jeremy Grantham, has nominated a falling global property market as lead contender to drive the next deflationary phase of the multi-asset ‘super bubble’.

    David Chaplin | 27th Jan 2023 | More
  • Earnings learnings: Why forecasts are fantasy

    US stock valuations based on forecast operating earnings regularly veer into ‘fantasy’ land, according to a new analysis by quantitative investment firm Research Affiliates (RAFI), with reality set to disappoint again in 2023 as recessionary risks remain.

    David Chaplin | 25th Jan 2023 | More
    ‘No simple answers’: The Future Fund’s brave new world

    How institutional investors generate returns now needs to change, according to a position paper from the Future Fund, with the very foundations of Modern Portfolio Theory shaken by the events of 2020-22.

    Lachlan Maddock | 20th Dec 2022 | More
    Why instos really underperform (and don’t know why)

    Institutional investors are mostly unaware of what’s dragging on their performance, according to analysis by Northern Trust Asset Management. Having too many managers with the same style is part of the problem.

    Lachlan Maddock | 18th Dec 2022 | More
    War, inflation trump cyber-fears for 2023

    Geopolitical tension has pushed aside cyber-worries and pandemic fears to take the top spot in the latest Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) poll of the global financial services industry.

    David Chaplin | 13th Dec 2022 | More
    Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide as a new year arrives

    2022 has left investors battered. The start of 2023 will leave them merely bruised. But analysts and economists alike aren’t pricing recession right.

    Lachlan Maddock | 13th Dec 2022 | More
  • A cathartic moment after turmoil of 2022

    The chaos of 2022 has reset valuations to the point where they’re hard to ignore, according to J.P. Morgan Asset Management. That doesn’t mean the future of markets is any less cloudy.

    Lachlan Maddock | 7th Dec 2022 | More
    After the bear, there’s the quick and the dead

    When the bear market reverses, something very different might lead the way out. The adaptability and flexibility of a momentum-based approach could be a boon.

    Lachlan Maddock | 18th Nov 2022 | More
    Institutions find their faith in factors

    As rising inflation and rates bite into returns, institutional investors are increasingly turning to factor investing to help them weather the storm.

    Lachlan Maddock | 14th Nov 2022 | More
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