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  • David Chaplin

  • Drew Meredith

  • Giselle Roux

  • Greg Bright

  • James Dunn

  • Lachlan Maddock

Why you shouldn’t sweat China (much)

China’s ongoing regulatory crackdown has investors running scared. But China still wants to be a global player – and its most successful companies aren’t going anywhere. China’s recent regulatory efforts have sent a chill down the spine of even the most bullish investors, with questions swirling about where and when the aggressive crackdown – which…

Lachlan Maddock | 17th Sep 2021 | More
Markets await a ‘reversion to mediocrity’

It’s hard to think about tomorrow when you’re having a good time today, and a decade of ripping equity market returns has investors convinced that the party can go on. While equity markets have outpaced “even the most optimistic forecasts” in recent years, Northern Trust Asset Management (NT) believes that those red hot returns could…

Staff Writer | 17th Sep 2021 | More
  • The case builds for China A-shares

    The China growth story is well known to international investors but the best way to access profitable growth and the various risks continue to evolve as part of that story. In a session devoted to ‘Investing for Change in China A-Shares’ at last week’s JANA annual conference (September 16), Wenchang Ma, Hong Kong-based portfolio manager…

    Greg Bright | 17th Sep 2021 | More
    Both sides to blame in common ownership bungle

    The inquiry into common ownership has given us that rarest of things: a moment of bipartisan stupidity. There are so many wonderful ways to waste taxpayer money. You can use it to pay for business-class flights to Canberra, or Craig Kelly-style political stunts, or even give it away to profitable multinational corporations in the middle…

    Lachlan Maddock | 17th Sep 2021 | More
  • Net Zero and other damage in YFYS test

    With complaints about its efficacy still reverberating through the super industry, the YFYS performance test is to be extended next year to cover certain member investment options. Sustainability will be a big loser. Having delivered its first-year test results last month (August 31), the Treasury-instigated APRA-implemented test for big super funds found that the MySuper…

    Greg Bright | 17th Sep 2021 | More
    Big super taking on big end of town

    Last year a big super fund, Aware Super, shocked the M&A market in Australia with a surprise bid for a listed company, OptiComm. It signalled a new era in competition among players at the big end of town. It was the first time a super fund had tried to buy a whole listed company in…

    Greg Bright | 10th Sep 2021 | More
    Instos chase decarbonisation as climate threat looms

    The advent of Your Future Your Super (YFYS) and a new wave of climate regulation means institutional investors are increasingly turning their gaze towards decarbonisation, according to Northern Trust Asset Management. Scott Bennett, Northern Trust Asset Management head of quantitative research and client solutions for Australia and New Zealand, believes YFYS and other regulations have…

    Staff Writer | 10th Sep 2021 | More
    PIMCO’s advice on inflation

    PIMCO, the world’s largest fixed income manager, believes that there is more risk in the current inflation bogey than the market is anticipating. It has published what is likely the most authoritative look at the current inflation concerns and suggested what investors should be doing about them. The PIMCO paper, ‘Assessing Inflation: Theories, Policies and…

    Greg Bright | 10th Sep 2021 | More
    Trade winds blow for semiconductors

    Semiconductors are ‘the new oil’. The big problem is getting them. “What we’re seeing is an explosion in the amount of data gathering and measurement and functionality across whole swathes of industries,” says Matthew Reynolds, Capital Group investment director for Australia. “Chips are literally going into every device you can think of – not just…

    Lachlan Maddock | 10th Sep 2021 | More
  • bfinance moves into wealth management space

    bfinance, the global fund-manager search and research consultant, is moving into the wholesale wealth management sector, having completed its first global survey in the space. The survey of 120 wealth managers, including about 10 from Australia, shows a pattern of trends which are similar to those in the institutional market where bfinance has focused its…

    Greg Bright | 10th Sep 2021 | More
    APRA’s performance test flaws laid bare… and the unintended consequences

    The 88,000 members of Australian Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund (ACSRF) are about to be very confused. As are members of some other big super funds. Forty-year-old members in ACSRF’s default MySuper product, LifetimeOne, will be told they just earned an average 20.9 per cent from their super (after fees and taxes for the year…

    Greg Bright | 3rd Sep 2021 | More
    Climate: where long-termism meets the short term

    Supported by record retail inflows, ESG-focused investing has, finally, become ‘the norm’, according to panelists at least two of the sessions at last week’s (August 31-September 2) AIST ASI conference. But one of the interesting, most recent, trends within this trend, is how climate change action and inaction has given a very short-term focus to…

    Greg Bright | 3rd Sep 2021 | More
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