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  • David Chaplin

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Foreign managers in China: how they rate

The annual assessment of international managers operating in, selling to and selling from China, has shown some changes among the top ranks. China is now the ‘priority for most global managers’, according to the latest Z-Ben study. UBS, Schroders, BlackRock, Fidelity and Manulife are the big winners. Z-Ben, the Shanghai-based research firm which specialises in…

Investor Strategy News | 29th Apr 2018 | More
Frustrations with OTC transparency: how blockchain can help

J. Christopher Giancarlo told a US Government ‘House Committee’ hearing last year that the failure – of the whole world – to build a system of transparency for counterparty risk by big institutions was “certainly the most disappointing” of mandates which emerged from the global financial crisis. Now, DTCC has produced a new guide. While…

Investor Strategy News | 29th Apr 2018 | More
  • QIC’s global expansion not the only development in its evolution

    by Greg Bright QIC, the $84 billion Queensland Government-owned fund manager, has been diversifying overseas for several years and now has a big presence, especially, in the US. But that is not all that has changed since Damien Frawley took over as chief executive in July 2012. He said, in a wide-ranging interview recently, that…

    Investor Strategy News | 15th Apr 2018 | More
    The hedge funds to benefit most from higher interest rates

    By Donald A. Steinbrugge* The Federal Reserve increased its target range for the federal funds rate by 25 bps to 1.50-1.75 per cent on March 21. This marks the sixth incremental increase since December, 2015, following the dramatic cut in rates during the financial crisis. In addition, the Fed has indicated that it is forecasting…

    Investor Strategy News | 8th Apr 2018 | More
  • … as managers add non-trend signals to trend-following strategies

    The managed-futures space continues to evolve, with some managers, such as Winton and Aspect, using non-trend signals to complement their price momentum inputs, according to the latest ‘Sector Wrap’ report on alternatives by Morningstar Australia. Investors need to be wary of rising asset prices. The report says that trend-following across asset classes has boasted strong…

    Investor Strategy News | 8th Apr 2018 | More
    Super industry gets behind Timor Leste’s redevelopment

    by Greg Bright For years Australia did nothing. Now, at least, we are giving the formerly downtrodden but-still poor people of Timor Leste a chance for a better future, in no small part due to Steve Bracks, the chair of Cbus and former Victorian Premier, and a growing band of super industry and wealth management…

    Investor Strategy News | 1st Apr 2018 | More
    Frontier Advisors puts India ahead of China

    Often compared by international investors, India and China continue to face off on their prospects for both economic growth and market attractiveness. A new report by Frontier Advisors is now putting India out front over the long term. At an investor briefing in Sydney last week, Alvin Tan, a principal consultant, and Kuek Chyuan Low…

    Investor Strategy News | 1st Apr 2018 | More
    … as Franklin Templeton shows ESG integration at macro level

    ESG factors have started to become recognised in fixed income investing as value-adding indicators of economic performance. An increasing number of macro fund managers are beginning to incorporate some form of ESG into their decision-making process. In the latest edition of ‘Global Macro Shifts’ a client report by Michael Hasenstab, the CIO of Templeton Global…

    Investor Strategy News | 1st Apr 2018 | More
    … and now, the latest theme is all about ‘outcomes’

    The latest theme for big super funds to consider, according to Chant West, is a focus on the outcomes of members in retirement, taking the lead from APRA’s new outcomes assessment. This is actually a seismic shift for the institutional part of the industry. It enjoins member services with investment strategies and their implementation. The…

    Investor Strategy News | 18th Mar 2018 | More
  • … as Research Affiliates warns against ‘noise measurement’

    Investors, including fund managers, can “overdo” their performance measurement assessments, according to a new paper by Research Affiliates. This may skew thinking and reactions towards short-term “noise”. US-based Research Affiliates, says in “Performance Measurement – How to Do it if We Must” that technology is making performance measurement a lot easier and, because it is…

    Investor Strategy News | 18th Mar 2018 | More
    How QIC is combining ESG factors with its bond portfolio

    Most corporate bonds are owned by institutions and most institutions are getting very aware of ESG issues. Here is where the rubber is starting to hit the road for ESG-aware bond managers. According to QIC, the big Queensland-government owned fund manager, it should be easier for ESG-aware investors to engage in the bond market than…

    Investor Strategy News | 11th Mar 2018 | More
    NZ Super in risk-off mood

    by David Chaplin The New Zealand Superannuation Fund has dialed-down active risk-taking to one of its lowest points in almost a decade, according to chief investment officer, Matt Whineray. Whineray, told the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute (SWFI) publication last week that the almost NZ$40 billion (A$37 billion) fund had scaled back its “active risk” positions…

    Investor Strategy News | 11th Mar 2018 | More
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