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Blockchain without the hype: how to be part of the evolution

(pictured: Patrick Lemmens and Jeroen van Oerle)   To date it is the big banks which have invested most in the development of distributed ledger technologies, commonly known as ‘blockchain’. But uses other than streamlined payments are rapidly being explored. New research calmly examines the likely impact for all financial services players. The research, by investment…

Investor Strategy News | 14th Aug 2016 | More
Frontier going hard-line on fees

(pictured: Damian Moloney)  Frontier Advisors is turning up the heat in the increasingly widespread debate about funds management fees, with its chief executive putting pen to paper for a thought-leadership piece which updates previous work by the asset consultancy. The latest paper, “Progressing a New Deal on Fees: Ideas for Institutional Investors” aims to: “Reiterate the…

Investor Strategy News | 31st Jul 2016 | More
  • BlackRock calls for better ESG disclosure for investors

    (pictured: Pru Bennett)  In an increasingly risk conscious investing world ESG factors have come a long way since the mini-boom in ethical funds of the early 2000s. And, according to one of the most experienced investors in the field, Australia stands tall as a “mature” market for ESG and related practices. Pru Bennett, the Hong…

    Investor Strategy News | 24th Jul 2016 | More
    Is this the most successful financial services firm ever?

    (pictured: Ian Silk) Comment by Greg Bright Quite possibly. AustralianSuper, the bellwether go-to and surprisingly innovative super fund, Australia’s largest and, arguably, best across a range of metrics, proved to all and sundry this week what can be achieved when you try. But maybe this is the time to also worry a little about the future…

    Investor Strategy News | 17th Jul 2016 | More
  • … and shows investors how to keep managers in line

    (pictured: David Scobie) Investors should put more weight on alignment of interests when hiring or firing fund managers, according to a new Mercer report. And they should avoid changing managers wherever possible. While investors necessarily focus on a manager’s investment and operational strength, the study says the “often overlooked” alignment factor provides some important flow-on benefits. For…

    Investor Strategy News | 17th Jul 2016 | More
    Why floating-rate loans are coming into their own

    (pictured: Craig Russ)  In uncertain times, such as these, investors have traditionally turned to the fixed interest market for their downside protection. But this time it really might be different. In the ‘new normal’ of low-to-zero-to-negative interest rates, investors may well be better off in the floating-rate debt market than taking on increasing duration –…

    Investor Strategy News | 10th Jul 2016 | More
    The benefits of blending a global approach to Aussie shares

    (pictured: Hugh MacNally)  Income and capital preservation are two of the main aims of many investors, especially retirees, but in recent months, with the drop-off in performance of the banks, investors are being prompted to seek out new core stocks for their portfolios. According to Hugh MacNally, founder and chairman of Private Portfolio Managers (PPM),…

    Investor Strategy News | 10th Jul 2016 | More
    The best place for renewable energy… and ignore Brexit

    (pictured: Daniel von Preyss) Renewable energy strikes a chord with institutional investors around the world, especially those in commodities-orientated countries like Australia. The questions, though, are not so much about ‘why’ but are rather: ‘how’, ‘how much’, ‘where’ and ‘when’. Daniel von Preyss of Impax Asset Management believes he has the answers. The managing director in…

    Investor Strategy News | 10th Jul 2016 | More
    Sports betting as a new asset class

    Sports betting could become a new asset class, offering uncorrelated returns to a standard pension fund portfolio with potentially better returns than the average hedge fund, according to a UK study. The study by two quant research managers, Lovjit Thukral and Pedro Vergel Eleuterio, both of Long Rock Capital in London, showed that a relatively simple…

    Investor Strategy News | 3rd Jul 2016 | More
  • How quants have taken to the new hue

    (pictured: Paul Moghtader) By Greg Bright In the evolution of funds management, coupled with the evolution of big super funds, quantitative investing has had its own twists and turns. Post-GFC, quants are enjoying a resurgence. They are blending investment styles to achieve an outcome. Paul Moghtader , Boston-based portfolio manager and head of a nine-person quant…

    Investor Strategy News | 19th Jun 2016 | More
    Weaven on fund admin, insourcing and globalisation

    (pictured: Garry Weaven) Garry Weaven, chair of IFM Investors and founder of several service companies owned by industry funds, has said there are some big challenges facing funds. And member administration, once the “poor cousin” of super, is now in the front line. Speaking via a webinar organised by investment analyst and meetings organiser Stewart Oldfield…

    Investor Strategy News | 13th Jun 2016 | More
    The good and the bad about manager brand awareness

    A quant study of the value of funds manager brands among institutional investors shows a massive difference in flows between managers with high product and firm-wide brand awareness and those with low awareness. eVestment has published a list of the top five managers for brand awareness in each size category which, it says, may surprise….

    Investor Strategy News | 13th Jun 2016 | More