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Countdown to COP26


Climate Conferences and ESG Goals

The 26th U.N. Climate Change Conference of the Parties (a.k.a. COP26) will take place Oct 31-Nov 12 in Glasgow, Scotland. It is an opportunity for parties across the globe to align towards the goals within the Paris Agreement and to inspire action on climate change. We look forward to seeing the results of this monumental conference in the near future. 

In the meantime, we present some of the top white papers on climate change and other ESG topics to appear on Savvy Investor in the last several weeks, including topics such as ESG integration, water resources, and the path towards net zero emissions.

  • climate change COP26

    Podcast: COP26 – What investors need to know (UN PRI, Oct 2021)

    In this 25-minute podcast, Sagarita Chaterjee and Liz Barnes of PRI discuss the expectations that investors and market participants should have of the upcoming COP26 conference.

    Climate Change: Crisis or opportunity of a lifetime? (Aviva Investors, Sep 2021)

    For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies

    Aviva interviews John Elkington, sustainability advisor and founder of Volans, a sustainability-oriented think tank, about climate change and potential ‘green swans’ on the horizon.

    Carbon Pricing in Global Decarbonization (Columbia Threadneedle, 2021)

    For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in the United States and Canada

    How meaningful is the race to ‘net zero’ emissions in regard to climate change? Columbia Threadneedle looks into the race itself and where carbon pricing fits into the process.

    How Impact Investing Seeks to Enhance the Risk-Return Equation (BlackRock, 2021)

    For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in the United States

    Investing with the intent to do well while doing good is gaining traction. BlackRock’s Eric Rice met with the ‘Father of Impact Investing’, Sir Ronald Cohen, to discuss the evolution from risk-return to risk-return-impact.

    Incorporating ESG into U.S. Equity Benchmarks (FTSE Russell, Sep 2021)

    FTSE Russell U.S. ESG Indexes use Refinitiv ESG scores to shed an ESG light on the universe of U.S. equities. This paper examines the Russell 1000 ESG Enhanced Target Exposure Index to illustrate the effects of screening.

    What If $2T Moves To Net Zero Emission Companies Every Year? (BlackRock, 2021)

    For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in the United States

    Bill Gates’s life story rivals some of the best superhero tales out there. Imagine: a nerd with larger-than-normal glasses creates a revolutionary company that goes on to stay in the top 10 companies in the world by market capitalisation every year for the past 25 years. But the sequel in the Gates superhero saga might be as lucrative. Since 2008, Gates has turned his focus to investing in innovative research and like-minded businesses that are committed to a sustainable future.

    The Journey of Integrating ESG in Fixed Income (Candriam, Oct 2021)

    Candriam’s Global Head of Fixed Income, Nicolas Forest, describes how ESG factors can be integrated into fixed income portfolio management processes within this Q&A.

    Spiralling Disruption: Feedback loops of energy transition (SSGA | SPDR, 2021)

    For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in the United States and Canada

    The authors identify and examine seven different feedback loops that are helping to transform the current energy system from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

    Boiling Point: Global growth, climate change water resources (Robeco, 2021)

    Robeco reports on the scarcity of water resources, its importance in sustaining life, and water stress scenarios across the globe.

    Outlook: Is the ‘E’ in ESG accelerating? (Franklin Templeton Investments, 2021)

    For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in the EMEA region

    Given the upcoming COP26 conference, Franklin Templeton delves into environmental risk factors and the potential to accelerate positive changes through ESG investing.

    Towards Investor-Oriented Carbon Targets Data (FTSE Russell, 2021)

    FTSE Russell introduces a recommendation for a TCFD-aligned disclosure for GHG emissions in order to help standardise greenhouse gas emissions reporting.

    SEA: Opportunities on the road to net zero (Bain & Company, 2021)

    In collaboration with Temasek, Bain & Company reports on South East Asia’s progress towards Net Zero initiatives and other climate related goals, as well as capital flows and sustainable opportunities in the region.

    The Impact of ESG Ratings on Total Shareholder Return (EY, 2021)

    EY provides an update for insurance companies on how ESG ratings can impact TSR (total shareholder return), from inclusion in ESG indices and funds to ESG narratives and specific metrics to track.

    CIO Autumn Update: Countdown to COP26 (LGIM, 2021)

    For compliance reasons, this paper is NOT accessible in the United States and Canada

    In addition to their traditional macroeconomic analysis, this edition of LGIM’s CIO Update focuses on the climate crisis, green fiscal stimulus measures, green tech, and how asset allocators can fight climate change.

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