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INSight #151 with Rob Mumford from GAM Investments

Rob Mumford from GAM Investments shares insights with Giselle Roux from The Inside Network on ‘How do you deal with the less desirable sectors in EM (e.g. gambling)?’

Investor Strategy News | 19th Jan 2022 | More
INSight #150 with Rob Mumford from GAM Investments

Rob Mumford from GAM Investments shares insights with Giselle Roux from The Inside Network on ‘Does fintech inevitably have better ESG than traditional banking?’

Investor Strategy News | 19th Jan 2022 | More
INSight #149 with Rob Mumford from GAM Investments

Rob Mumford from GAM Investments shares insights with Giselle Roux from The Inside Network on ‘Where do you see the best opportunities in Healthcare?’

Investor Strategy News | 19th Jan 2022 | More
  • INSight #148 with Rob Mumford from GAM Investments

    Rob Mumford from GAM Investments shares insights with Giselle Roux from The Inside Network on ‘Does a state shareholding inhibit embracing ESG?’

    Investor Strategy News | 19th Jan 2022 | More
    INSight #147 with Rob Mumford from GAM Investments

    Rob Mumford from GAM Investments shares insights with Giselle Roux from The Inside Network on ‘Who are the leaders and laggards in terms of ESG reporting in EM?

    Investor Strategy News | 19th Jan 2022 | More
    INSight#133 with Joseph Morgart from Amundi Asset Management

    Joseph Morgart from Amundi Asset Management shares insights with James Dunn from The Inside Network on ‘How do you allocate ILS into your portfolio?’

    Investor Strategy News | 13th Dec 2021 | More
  • INSight#132 with Joseph Morgart from Amundi Asset Management

    Joseph Morgart from Amundi Asset Management shares insights with James Dunn from The Inside Network on ‘ILS, the only asset class that’s truly uncorrelated to the financial markets’.

    Investor Strategy News | 13th Dec 2021 | More
    INSight#131 with Joseph Morgart from Amundi Asset Management

    Joseph Morgart from Amundi Asset Management shares insights with James Dunn from The Inside Network on ‘What role doe ILS play in a portfolio?’

    Investor Strategy News | 13th Dec 2021 | More
  • INSight#130 with Joseph Morgart from Amundi Asset Management

    Joseph Morgart from Amundi Asset Management shares insights with James Dunn from The Inside Network on ‘What is the principal of insurance-linked securities?’

    Investor Strategy News | 13th Dec 2021 | More
    INSight #141 with Stephanie Maier from GAM Investments

    Stephanie Maier from GAM Investments shares insights with Giselle Roux from The Inside Network on ‘Aside from obvious sectors such as energy, where do you see the most climate related risks?’.

    Investor Strategy News | 13th Dec 2021 | More
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