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Investor Strategy News

Investor Strategy News results

Generational change in funds management

Comment by Greg Bright People of a certain age tend to overstate recent change and look fondly on a fuzzy past of seemingly greater consistency. So, maybe it’s just me approaching retirement age but it looks like there is a generational change happening at the top of superannuation and funds management. While attempting not to pass…

Investor Strategy News | 1st Jun 2013 | More
Wilson leaves PIMCO as the dominant player in the market

Who has been the most successful funds manager, in terms of building a business, that Australia has produced? The late Robert Maple-Brown? Kerr Neilson? Chris Cuffe? Mike Crivelli? Perhaps John Wilson should be considered. Here are Wilson’s credentials after he announced last week that he was leaving PIMCO. In 1997, having left the old Bankers…

Investor Strategy News | 25th May 2013 | More
Tribeca does without insto sales role

Funds management is a tough business.  Tribeca Investment Partners has decided to do away with a specialist sales and marketing position. Jim Savage, who joined the boutique equities firm in 2005 and was a shareholder, left last week. David Aylward, the managing director, said that associate company Grant Samuel, which owns about 40 per cent…

Investor Strategy News | 25th May 2013 | More
JP Morgan keeps Aussie transitions business open

JP Morgan and Credit Suisse have both closed down much of their transition management businesses internationally, but JP Morgan confirmed Friday that its Australian business was unaffected by the offshore moves. According to the newsletter ‘aiCIO’, Credit Suisse has quietly closed at least part of its transitions business, but declined to comment on the matter….

Investor Strategy News | 25th May 2013 | More
Block heading to PNG for new CIO role

Michael Block, the former general manager of investments at FuturePlus and, before that, Workcover NSW, has accepted the position of chief investment officer for Papua New Guinea’s main pension fund, Nambawan Super Ltd. Block expects to take up the position, based in Port Moresby, towards the end of June. Block left FuturePlus Financial Services, which…

Investor Strategy News | 25th May 2013 | More
  • US research questions wisdom of providing more choice

    In a cautionary tale for super funds going down the member-directed investments path, a US academic has produced a paper, based on court filings and other independent pensions research, which is highly critical of large investment menus being afforded by corporate-sponsored savings plans. Mercer E Bullard, a professor of law at the University of Mississippi,…

    Investor Strategy News | 25th May 2013 | More
    Mercer fund highlights tax-aware benefits

    Mercer has launched an Australian shares fund which highlights the benefits of tax-aware portfolio construction for various investors, especially those which don’t pay tax, such as foundations and charities. The firm published a client note on the fund, which is open for tax-exempt investors, saying: “At Mercer, we believe that tax-exempt investors have a distinct…

    Investor Strategy News | 25th May 2013 | More
    It’s all about the member: Auscoal’s Bruce Watson

    Profile by Penny Pryor AUSCOAL chief executive officer Bruce Watson is passionate about his industry, passionate about his members and takes his commitment to provide them with an intimate experience very seriously. Big marketing spends have never been part of the agenda, but he heads up a $7 billion fund that not only takes out…

    Investor Strategy News | 19th May 2013 | More
    The future is now for Frontier

    Frontier Advisors has just completed a major restructure of how it operates, to equip the fund for the industry’s changing asset consulting needs in a new superannuation environment. Staff levels have risen from 42 to 50 since Damian Moloney came on board 18 months ago as chief executive officer. New divisions have been created, and…

    Investor Strategy News | 19th May 2013 | More
    The case for research: how to foster genius

    It seems a long time since the institutional investment world has seen the sort of genius that led to Modern Portfolio Theory and the Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH). Even more unsettling, according to Philip Lawton, recent literature suggests that investors of the future may be deprived of the kind of revolutionary thinking that energized the…

    Investor Strategy News | 19th May 2013 | More
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