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Investor Strategy News

Investor Strategy News results

NGS Super commits to Social Benefit Bond

NGS Super is the first super fund to sign onto the NSW Government’s first social benefit bond, committing $500,000 to the Newpin Social Benefit Bond. A social benefit bond, of which the Newpin bond is the first of its kind in Australia, is a form of funding for social services. A government pays a social…

Investor Strategy News | 19th May 2013 | More
Middle Eastern sovereign funds investing more at home

Sovereign wealth funds, especially those from the Middle East, are redirecting their new investments back home, according to a review by KPMG. Due largely to the relative firmness in the oil price, and as Western credit tightened or lurched towards crises, the Middle Eastern funds have taken on greater importance in the world investment market….

Investor Strategy News | 19th May 2013 | More
RBC paper points to better attribution model for fixed interest

The post-global financial crisis shift to investing in bonds and other fixed interest securities, notwithstanding record-low interest rates in most major markets, is putting increased demands on analytics to ensure investors know exactly what they’re doing. However, the usual tools for such analytics may be flawed, according to a paper by RBC Investor Services. The…

Investor Strategy News | 19th May 2013 | More
Chong departs as head of APAC for BNY Mellon

Chong Jin Leow, the head of BNY Mellon’s Asia Pacific asset servicing business, who was also appointed Singapore country executive only last year, quietly left the company in late March. BNY Mellon is tightlipped about the circumstances of his departure and any plans for the region’s future leadership. Leow, an experienced custody and securities services…

Investor Strategy News | 5th May 2013 | More
Perkins calls it a day at Morse with sale to partners

Ian Perkins, the founder of Morse Consulting and the driving force behind its expansion through Asia, has resigned from the company and sold his stake to the other partners. He will take a break and think about his next move, he said last week. “For the last six months I’d been thinking that the business…

Investor Strategy News | 5th May 2013 | More
  • Mass customisation taking hold as FNZ expands in Asia

    FNZ, the investment platforms systems and administration provider, is expanding into Asia with the decision to open a Singapore office, according to the chief executive for Australia, Martin Jennings. Jennings told the Investment Operations & Custody “Best Practice” conference in Shanghai last week that the Singapore office would be opened soon following receipt of the…

    Investor Strategy News | 5th May 2013 | More
    RMB band likely to be widened as RMB goes global

    The band in which the Chinese RMB is allowed to float is likely to be increased from 1 per cent to 2 per cent this year as part of the liberalization of management and internationalization of the currency, according to Dr Yuanzheng Cao of the Bank of China. In a wide-ranging speech on the future…

    Investor Strategy News | 5th May 2013 | More
    It’s now all about data: how State Street is adapting

    As back-office providers to fund managers and pension funds provide more and more services in the middle and front office areas, the question of data quality and delivery is growing in importance. Jeff Conway, the State Street asset servicing veteran, says the term “outsourcing” needs to be replaced. Addressing the IO&C conference in Shanghai last…

    Investor Strategy News | 5th May 2013 | More
    More and more regulatory pressure on pension funds

    Pension funds, and other fiduciary investors, need to provide greater transparency as the world moves towards increased scrutiny of its savings systems, according to former academic and current managing director of JP Morgan, Benjie Fraser. Fraser, a London-based strategist at JP Morgan, told the IO&C conference that there was increased scrutiny on the pension fund…

    Investor Strategy News | 5th May 2013 | More
    How Basel III is benefitting fund members

    Basel III is having ramifications through the pension fund and banking sectors of economies around the world. For the end investors, or members of pension funds, this is a good thing. For the funds themselves, this represents a new challenge. The voluntary worldwide banking code for collateral, which comes into force this year, favours retail…

    Investor Strategy News | 5th May 2013 | More
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