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Investor Strategy News

Investor Strategy News results

Towers builds capability to assess alternative growth options

Towers Watson is expanding its team in order to increase its capacity to explore alternative growth investments, rather than high allocations to equities, for its clients. “One of the hallmarks of the organization, has been looking to help our clients diversify away from the excessive reliance on the equity risk premium,” Graeme Miller, director of…

Investor Strategy News | 13th Apr 2013 | More
Enough about bonds… what do you think about bonds?

The latest research into financial advisors’ attitudes to fixed interest investments for retirees, and expected future recommendations, shows a dip in future allocations compared with last year’s record actual allocations. But the research, commissioned by the big global bond manager PIMCO and undertaken by specialist research firm Marketing Pulse, shows allocations are, and will remain,…

Investor Strategy News | 13th Apr 2013 | More
When the bears come out: concerns mount over Chinese credit

While China’s long-term prospects – economically, politically and socially – remain bright, the short term is looking increasingly cloudy. Longview Economics, a London-based investment strategy consultancy, believes that the Chinese credit bubble will burst within the next 12-18 months and the region, particularly resources exporters, will suffer a similar debt-deflation cycle as the UK. Chris Watling,…

Investor Strategy News | 13th Apr 2013 | More
There’s no place like home for Bell Asset Management

While Bell Asset Management continues to prosper from its distribution deal with Bridgewater Associates for its strategies in Australia, the manager is also slowly building its home-grown international equity capability. The Bridgewater funds represent the major share of BAM’s funds under administration – at $1.89 billion for the Pure Alpha fund and $2.29 billion for…

Investor Strategy News | 13th Apr 2013 | More
Funds line up projects tackling workplace mental health problems

SuperFriend, the mental health support and research body backed by 17 of Australia’s major super funds and seven group insurers, is preparing to roll out six pilot workplace projects with various other organisations plus an important research project into insurance and fund data on death and disability. The research, being conducted with the IFS Insurance…

Investor Strategy News | 13th Apr 2013 | More
  • Going, going… gong

    Nominations for the annual Chief Investment Officer and Chief Operating Officer of the Year Awards, for fiduciary funds in Australia, close this week – on April 19. Winners will be announced at a function in Melbourne on May 7. The Awards, organized by La Trobe Financial*, with the support of 13 financial services firms or…

    Investor Strategy News | 13th Apr 2013 | More
    Out of the frying pan and into the fire…

    Comment by Greg Bright While the SMSF market will bear the brunt of the proposed new effective cap for super, and even though it is unlikely the proposals will ever see their way to legislation under last week’s announcement from the Government, big super funds need to be paying much more attention to the paradigm…

    Investor Strategy News | 7th Apr 2013 | More
    Super council of peace as a desperate Government campaigns on super

    The Australian Government’s superannuation changes announced on Friday ended rampant speculation and were arguably brought forward to stop accusations of class warfare against the wealthy who felt they were being unfairly targeted. While there was some removal of tax concessions on superannuation income, the introduction of the Council of Custodians of Superannuation, which will be…

    Investor Strategy News | 7th Apr 2013 | More
    More changes at the top of BlackRock in Australia

    If there was ever a funds management merger which was handled badly – and there have been lots – then the worst in recent memory has surely to be that of BlackRock and Barclays Global Investors in Australia. The fallout continues with some new senior staff changes. The head of Australian institutional sales, the 13-year…

    Investor Strategy News | 7th Apr 2013 | More
    Asian Century gets a little closer for the Laowai

    Brushing aside concerns about bird flu, 30,000 dead pigs floating down the Huangpu River, which feeds into the majestic Bund of Shanghai, and the possibility of nuclear war with DPRK, the Australian Government has progressed its China dialogue with a view to improving relationships over the long term. The Government last week published its “implementation…

    Investor Strategy News | 7th Apr 2013 | More
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