The opportunities of the decarbonisation boom are nigh endless. But a rising tide won’t lift all boats, and there’s plenty of ‘worst in breed’ companies that will surprise to the downside.
If reducing the number of funds was its goal, Your Future Your Super has been a wild success. But as an indicator of performance, it leaves a lot to be desired.
It’s a good thing the superannuation industry hasn’t received “chapter and verse” from the government on its affordable housing plan. But details around performance still need to be worked out.
In the madness of the last nine months, optimism has become a contrarian position. But there’s still plenty to be optimistic about in US equities.
A significant chunk of asset owners are certain that climate investing means lower returns. After a year like 2022, it might be tough to convince them otherwise.
This won’t be an environment where a rising tide will lift all boats, according to Magellan’s new CEO. But lifting this one will be a gargantuan task.
A Texas snowstorm holds hard lessons for Australian super funds. And as their nation-building rhetoric intensifies, they’ll have to remember that offshore funds will want a piece of the pie too.
The Your Future Your Super (YFYS) performance test introduces systemic risk into superannuation and discourages the involvement of funds in nation-building projects. But tweaking the test itself might be a tall order.
The previously (relatively) low hurdle of a CPI+ return objective is going to be harder to leap in the future. It might be time to return to the old stalwart of cash.
The “embers of optimism” are fading every day, and the $30 billion Equip Super is preparing for the big one. Still, there’s hope – however small – that the worst may be avoided.