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Lachlan Maddock


Lachlan is editor of Investor Strategy News and has extensive experience covering institutional investment.

Lachlan Maddock results

BlackRock questions new world order

The asset management colossus believes three key themes will shape a post-covid world of rising climate risk and extraordinary economic imbalances. Ben Powell, the chief investment strategist for Asia Pacific at BlackRock’s Investment Institute in Singapore, said: “To state the obvious, the last 18 months have been rather unusual. It hasn’t been a normal slowdown…

Lachlan Maddock | 16th Jul 2021 | More
Record returns no balm for Wilson’s wrath

Last week was a big one for the chief executives of AustralianSuper and Cbus. Their funds announced record-setting returns for the financial year and the next day they both took another hammering from a Commonwealth parliamentary committee. The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, chaired by Tim Wilson, a Liberal MP, is often enlivened…

Lachlan Maddock | 9th Jul 2021 | More
Better governance helps Japanese market

While Japan has long been anathema to western investors, a series of corporate governance reforms are fueling renewed interest in the country. Japan’s status as a technologically advanced country with a happy, healthy population has long belied its stagnating economy and uncompetitive corporate landscape that has seen a slow grind downwards for markets since the…

Lachlan Maddock | 9th Jul 2021 | More
Asian financials face ‘slow death’ unless they innovate

While Asian financials will benefit from the world’s fastest growing middle-class, they also face massive headwinds from fintech disruptors and the looming threat of central bank digital currencies. Asian financials are still an important sector for investors and one that is poised to benefit from the region’s emerging middle-class and greater wealth accumulation in developed…

Lachlan Maddock | 9th Jul 2021 | More
Funds coming to grips with digital advice

Super funds have battled with providing financial advice for decades but have not yet found a solution that can make it affordable and efficient for millions of low-balance members. Digital advice – including ‘robo’ – which in theory solves the affordable problem, has also been a decades-long dream for Australian wealth management, a revolution in…

Lachlan Maddock | 2nd Jul 2021 | More
  • … as Aware mixes inhouse and IFA offerings

    Australia’s second-largest super fund will look to bridge the trust gap between industry funds and independent financial advisers (IFAs) as it expands further into the external advice space. Matt Willis, Aware Super’s head of business development, says the fund plans to build on the advice offering it acquired through its 2020 merger with WA Super…

    Lachlan Maddock | 2nd Jul 2021 | More
    Ex-Pengana stars in new global boutique

    Jordan Cvetanovski and Steven Glass, former Pengana Capital equities managers, have resurfaced at the helm of their own venture, Pella Funds Management. Cvetanovski and Glass formulated their offering after leaving Pengana in March. They have now recruited two staff and commenced discussions with prospective investors for the new international equities boutique. Cvetanovski will be CIO…

    Lachlan Maddock | 2nd Jul 2021 | More
    APRA test to ‘bifurcate’ strategies

    The Your Future Your Super (YFYS) benchmarks will require an all-hands-on-deck approach to a “performance test to be reckoned with”, according to Willis Towers Watson’s Nick Callil. With funds required to inform members if they fail the test – an “unpalatable action for any fund” – and barred from accepting new members into an underperforming…

    Lachlan Maddock | 25th Jun 2021 | More
    GMO abandons all hope, almost

    GMO has released its latest borderline-apocalyptic seven-year forecast for stocks and bonds as it warns clients to “concentrate assets where the bubble ain’t”. GMO’s extraordinarily bearish forecasts predict a negative annual real return over seven years across the majority of both stocks and bonds, with only emerging markets value stocks getting a positive, if slim,…

    Lachlan Maddock | 25th Jun 2021 | More
    Perfect storm for listed infrastructure

    Global stimulus and inflationary expectations mean that listed infrastructure is in the recovery hot seat, but Your Future Your Super presents a homegrown challenge for managers. “We’ve got this perfect storm for listed infrastructure at the moment in the sense that the fundamentals are good and this huge growth thematic is still intact,” according to…

    Lachlan Maddock | 25th Jun 2021 | More
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