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Franklin Templeton

Franklin Templeton results

Emerging markets: From risky to resilient?

Emerging markets are now outpacing developed nations in growth and credit quality, but Franklin Templeton’s fixed income team says investors should conduct thorough risk assessments for these promising opportunities.

Franklin Templeton | 21st Jun 2024 | More
Unlocking opportunities in the growing secondary market

2024 presents a strong market for private equity buyers according to Lexington Investment’s research team, with global secondary transaction volume hitting a record high on LP liquidity needs and GP-led deals.

Franklin Templeton | 27th May 2024 | More
Easing on the horizon: Central Bank Watch from Franklin Templeton Fixed Income

The Franklin Templeton Fixed Income Central Bank Watch is a qualitative assessment of the central banks for the Group of Ten (G10) nations plus two additional countries (China and South Korea). Each central bank is scored on three parameters: Inflation Outlook Perception, Quantitative Easing/Liquidity Management Programs, and Interest Rate Forward Guidance. The report also provides…

Franklin Templeton | 10th Apr 2024 | More
2024 Franklin Templeton market outlook: Flexibility, resilience and opportunity

We expect markets to experience many storms in 2024. Portfolios that bend but don’t break are best suited to provide the resiliency for what lies ahead

Franklin Templeton | 18th Dec 2023 | More
Debt sustainability in emerging markets

Global financial markets have been subjected to multiple shocks over the past three years: the COVID pandemic; the end of quantitative easing, with the subsequent tightening of liquidity; the Russia-Ukraine war; and more recently, the unrest in the Middle East. For emerging markets, these developments have had implications for sovereign balance sheets, as well as…

Franklin Templeton | 6th Dec 2023 | More
  • China in transition presents new opportunities for investors: Franklin Templeton

    For most of the past 40 years, investors, policymakers and interested observers have become used to the idea of China as a fast-growing, emergent economy, well on its way to achieving middle-income status, with every hope of continuing along a path of resounding economic success. Recently, however, a different story has surfaced. This one portrays China…

    Franklin Templeton | 8th Nov 2023 | More
    Franklin Templeton’s global investment outlook: a broadening opportunity set

    In its latest global investment outlook leading investment teams from Franklin Templeton provide a visual example and details on the investment opportunities they are most focused on today.

    Franklin Templeton | 19th Oct 2023 | More
    Franklin Templeton analyses the rising corporate and household debt wave

    In our Deep Water Waves publication, we identified several powerful, connected and long-duration factors that will have a significant impact on investment returns over the next decades. One of these is the debt wave, driven primarily by a combination of economic, geopolitical and demographic pressures.

    Franklin Templeton | 31st Aug 2023 | More
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