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David Chaplin


David Chaplin is a reputed financial services journalist and publisher of Investment News NZ.

David Chaplin results

Cash-loading could sink family office returns

Family office portfolios could see massive underperformance ahead with most well-overweight cash, according to the latest Citi Private Bank global survey of the sector. David Bailin, Citi Global Wealth chief investment officer, said about a third of family offices in the survey reported cash holdings of 20 per cent or more while a further third…

David Chaplin | 23rd Sep 2021 | More
Settle down: DTCC clears blockchain for T+0 take-off

Global securities trading back-office behemoth Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) has scheduled a live launch of a new blockchain-based settlement system for early next year. The DTCC blockchain – or distributed ledger technology (DLT) – service will enable a “netted T+0 settlement cycle” for US equities, the largest and most-liquid share market in the…

David Chaplin | 17th Sep 2021 | More
Central banks look to third-party fund managers as asset diversification gathers pace

Global central banks are developing a stronger appetite for external fund managers to oversee a wide range of asset classes held on their ballooning balance sheets, a new study has found. According to the 2021 Global Public Investor (GPI) survey produced by the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF), central banks “are becoming far…

David Chaplin | 27th Aug 2021 | More
Vale Sir Michael Cullen

Sir Michael Cullen, the political force behind the establishment of NZ Super and the KiwiSaver scheme, has died at 76 after a battle with cancer. The NZ Labour politician, deputy prime minister and finance minister, will likely be remembered more widely for his liberal views, including legalised euthanasia, and generosity of spirit towards the less…

David Chaplin | 20th Aug 2021 | More
… Climate reporting to ‘cool manager profits’

Imminent climate disclosure obligations could dent fund manager profits by up to 1 per cent while increasing retail manager fees as much as 2.2 per cent, according to an NZ Government report. Analysis by New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) was released along with the final select committee report on the Financial…

David Chaplin | 20th Aug 2021 | More
  • Back-test backlash: why financial research could be blowing smoke

    A new academic paper has labeled most investment strategy research as statistically flawed, equating finance industry back-tested analyses with the now-debunked historical medical studies funded by ‘big tobacco’. In the study titled ‘Finance is not excused: why finance should not flout basic principles of statistics‘, authors David Bailey and Marcos de Prado, argue that the…

    David Chaplin | 13th Aug 2021 | More
    KiwiSaver, master trust schemes slated for sale

    Aon has put its KiwiSaver and employer master trust schemes on the block, according to industry sources. It is understood Aon has circulated an investment memorandum seeking interest in the group’s two schemes, which collectively manage about $920 million split between the $730 million KiwiSaver and $190 million master trust. The move represents the first…

    David Chaplin | 6th Aug 2021 | More
    Aon-Willis non-deal triggers $1b break fee

    Aon will pay a US$1 billion break fee to Willis Towers Watson after a proposed marriage between the two global insurance broking and professional services firms fell over last week due to US regulatory problems. In a joint statement (July 27), Aon and Willis Towers Watson (WTW) blamed the end of their 16-month engagement on…

    David Chaplin | 30th Jul 2021 | More
    Different shades of BlackRock: ASB, AMP wins cast mega-manager in NZ spotlight

    BlackRock, the biggest investment house in the known universe, now holds sway over about a quarter of the NZ retail fund market after cementing a deal with ASB last week to oversee some $20 billion. The ASB move to outsource most investment decisions to BlackRock coincides with the transition of an estimated $10 billion of…

    David Chaplin | 23rd Jul 2021 | More
    Assets up, profits flat, future downbeat: consultants look ahead for global fund industry

    New studies from two big-name consulting firms show the global funds industry struggled to increase profit margins in 2020 despite reporting bumper growth in assets under management (AUM). Reports from both EY and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) found double-digit expansion in global funds management AUM during 2020. The BCG study says AUM increased year-on-year…

    David Chaplin | 23rd Jul 2021 | More
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