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Lachlan Maddock


Lachlan is editor of Investor Strategy News and has extensive experience covering institutional investment.

Lachlan Maddock results

Why UniSuper is staying home (for now)

Offshore offices might get super funds “closer to the action”, but they can come at a literal cost – and not every fund is prepared to pay it.

Lachlan Maddock | 10th Jul 2024 | More
Alternative Future Foundation puts its reserves to work with charity fund

The Alternative Future Foundation has begun investing its financial reserves with a who’s-who of Australian alternatives managers as it looks to boost returns for the charities it supports.

Lachlan Maddock | 10th Jul 2024 | More
‘Unique advantages’: Rest boosts private debt allocation

The $85 billion industry fund has tipped more money into a real estate debt fund from Metrics Credit Partners as it looks to diversify its private markets exposures.

Lachlan Maddock | 10th Jul 2024 | More
Why Aware Super’s best returns aren’t a matter of being ‘super clever’

What matters more than big returns is making sure the right people are getting them. For members in Aware’s lifecycle default, the numbers are “phenomenal”.

Lachlan Maddock | 5th Jul 2024 | More
The Your Future, Your Super time bomb in super’s big returns

In the topsy turvy world of Your Future, Your Super being down 20 per cent is only a bad thing if the benchmark is 50 bips better, and defensive positioning in a weird market isn’t rewarded.

Lachlan Maddock | 5th Jul 2024 | More
  • The big change that will make ART’s next return matter to more

    Super funds love to crow about their performance, but the headlines about ART’s double-digit return obscure what will be a massive shift for its millions-strong member base.

    Lachlan Maddock | 3rd Jul 2024 | More
    How geopolitics underpins the Future Fund’s new investment order

    Rising geopolitical tensions mean that diversification’s ‘free lunch’ must come from a new menu if investors want to prosper in a brave new world, the Future Fund says.

    Lachlan Maddock | 28th Jun 2024 | More
    Investors are looking for downside protection in all the wrong places

    The private markets have surged in popularity as investors hunt for a potent combination of yield and downside protection. But in a big selloff, the strategy that will do best is one that’s genuinely uncorrelated.

    Lachlan Maddock | 27th Jun 2024 | More
    Small funds shouldering APRA’s ‘unreasonable and unjustifiable burden’

    A number of small super funds are up in arms about new proposed increase to APRA’s supervision levies, which would see a $7 billion fund pay the same amount as one managing $355 billion.

    Lachlan Maddock | 26th Jun 2024 | More
    When geopolitics matters to markets (and when it really doesn’t)

    Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, investment managers have been bedeviled by the question of how much attention they should pay to geopolitics. Part of the answer can be found in parking lots.

    Lachlan Maddock | 26th Jun 2024 | More
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