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Staff Writer results

Why investors need to prepare for a new wave of AI companies

Markets are looking rosy as the end of the year approaches, but the two extremes aren’t being priced in. Meanwhile, the enthusiasm for generative artificial intelligence risks obfuscating who could really win and lose from the boom.

Staff Writer | 6th Dec 2023 | More
The writing is on the wall for the Magnificent Seven

By some measures market breadth has fallen to its lowest levels in more than 20 years as the “Magnificent Seven” reign supreme. Investors should position for a broadening out of equity market leadership.

Staff Writer | 1st Dec 2023 | More
Institutional investors weigh climate investing trade-offs

The use of climate-related investment practices is seeing a sharp fall among the global institutional investor set, while more than half of them are worried about achieving the best returns while delivering emissions reductions targets.

Staff Writer | 24th Nov 2023 | More
Pzena, Invesco managers top new investment skill benchmark

Teams from Pzena and Invesco scored highly against the Northern Trust-backed Essentia Analytics’ Behavioural Alpha Benchmark, a system designed to differentiate between luck and true investment nous.

Staff Writer | 22nd Nov 2023 | More
Institutional investors hobbled by data dearth: State Street

Big institutions live and die by their data, but State Street finds that very few have a strategy for acquiring and managing it while many are lagging in their technology investment.

Staff Writer | 17th Nov 2023 | More
  • The $44 trillion problem markets aren’t ready for

    Biodiversity loss could threaten more than 50 per cent of global gross domestic product, but the amounts spent on reversing it pale in comparison to investment in clean energy.

    Staff Writer | 3rd Nov 2023 | More
    Revolution AM adds PM

    Specialist private debt manager Revolution Asset Management has boosted its ranks with a new portfolio manager hailing from Bank of America.

    Staff Writer | 26th Oct 2023 | More
    Cbus finds a new infrastructure chief

    The $85 billion industry fund has poached its new head of infrastructure from Hostplus as it looks to double down on an ambitious new five-year investment strategy.

    Staff Writer | 20th Oct 2023 | More
    AustralianSuper wants best of both worlds with combined real assets function

    As the fund contemplates managing $700 billion by 2030 it’s looking for new ways to invest with a global portfolio mindset and chase hot assets in local markets to drive value creation for its members.

    Staff Writer | 13th Oct 2023 | More
    A growing debt pile could signal the return of bond vigilantes

    Unrest in the Middle East, political dysfunction in Washington and the looming shadow of a global recession means markets face a new wall of worry in time for the holiday season.

    Staff Writer | 13th Oct 2023 | More
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