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Staff Writer results

APRA goes deep on super data

The prudential regulator wants to publish more granular details of how funds spend and invest their members’ money in an initiative it hopes will improve transparency in the $3.5 trillion super sector.

Staff Writer | 11th Oct 2023 | More
‘Everyone wins’ in big funds’ three-way forestry split

A coalition of domestic and international pension funds has bought one of Australia’s largest private forest management companies in a big vote of confidence for natural capital assets.

Staff Writer | 6th Oct 2023 | More
ASFA gets a new (acting) chief

The association of Superannuation Funds of Australia is still on the hunt for a chief executive to replace Martin Fahy, but has turned to the former CEO of Spirit Super to shoulder the load in the meantime.

Staff Writer | 4th Oct 2023 | More
‘More need than ever’ for investment governance advice

Big funds are looking for help with investment governance as they internalise more and more of their resources, according to JANA, and it’s also seeing a lot more demand for guidance on net zero objectives.

Staff Writer | 29th Sep 2023 | More
Why instos are on the hunt for US housing

Multifamily housing is a “darling asset class” even in a recessionary environment according to Kayne Anderson, and a great way for big institutional investors to achieve impact investment goals.

Staff Writer | 27th Sep 2023 | More
  • BlueCove banks on volatility for a fixed income renaissance

    Systematic fixed income manager BlueCove is looking to build out its local presence and provide an alternative to fundamental investing as macro trends put the asset class back “en vogue”.

    Staff Writer | 27th Sep 2023 | More
    Why investors can’t write China off yet

    China still offers a compelling long-term investment story for investors willing to look past short-term headwinds in property and politics, according to Ninety One.

    Staff Writer | 22nd Sep 2023 | More
    US politics, more global conflicts top risks for instos

    Not every risk is out in the open, and Allspring Global Investments is keeping a close eye on those that some segments of the market struggle to price – including a US government shutdown and a war on the Korean peninsula.

    Staff Writer | 22nd Sep 2023 | More
    Why big super leads the pack on impact

    The bias towards investing in domestic securities and the complexity of the local benchmarks mean the impact investing conversation is “very advanced” Down Under, according to global asset manager Ninety One.

    Staff Writer | 13th Sep 2023 | More
    Another big manager climbs aboard the alts express

    The $1.7 trillion global investment manager PGIM has brought together its alternatives units in a sign of their growing importance to its biggest clients.

    Staff Writer | 13th Sep 2023 | More
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