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Tahn Sharpe

Tahn is managing editor across The Inside Network's publications and a former financial adviser.

Tahn Sharpe results

With greenwashing on ASIC’s radar, funds must practice what they preach

Authorities have had enough of greenwashing excuses, and they’re lobbing record fines at transgressors. Funds will have to lift their game.

Tahn Sharpe | 4th Oct 2024 | More
Big picture macro risks are fading: Panel

There’s 20 different ways the world could end. But while market risks remain, the higher for longer rate mantra seems less convincing than it once did.

Tahn Sharpe | 25th Aug 2024 | More
Don’t ‘set and forget’ diversification: Atlantic House

How do investors stay on top of diversification and maintain adequate levels of non-correlation when markets oscillate with every breath and asset relationships are as fickle as they are malleable?

Tahn Sharpe | 11th Aug 2024 | More
The dramatic ‘deviation’ that’s distorting markets

For those looking to chase the growth tail and tip into what are a small clutch of highly priced equities, Pzena has a sobering history lesson. Meanwhile, the bounce-back for value portfolios could be “quite extreme”.

Tahn Sharpe | 31st Jul 2024 | More
Tech market concentration a repeat of dot com bubble: Pzena

The big technology companies are probably good companies, but the disconnect is in their valuations. For Pzena Investment Management, it’s 2000 all over again.

Tahn Sharpe | 10th May 2024 | More
  • Tokenisation is here, and it’s time for asset managers to choose their approach

    With assets representing ten per cent of global GDP tipped to be tokenized by 2030, those deploying capital are keen to identify and harness the inherent opportunities. And Australia is leading the way.

    Tahn Sharpe | 27th Jul 2023 | More
    Sovereign funds charting inflationary path through recalibration: Invesco

    Inflation is likely in a transitory phase, yet remains stuck on high settings. Sovereign funds around the world are adjusting accordingly, Invesco says, with 5 major themes charting the course of institutional investors.

    Tahn Sharpe | 21st Jul 2023 | More
    Super funds torched by regulators for slow progress on retirement income covenant

    A joint review conducted by ASIC and APRA was scathing of funds’ collective attempts to meet their new legal obligation to help fund members plan for retirement, and urged them to “address, with urgency, the gaps in their approach”.

    Tahn Sharpe | 19th Jul 2023 | More
    Ex-Telstra Super, Insignia CIO Steve Merlicek puts Activus in the rear-view mirror

    The long-time institutional investment executive has resigned from his position as chair at the boutique consultant after six years to focus on assorted directorial roles.

    Tahn Sharpe | 14th Jul 2023 | More
    JANA promotes ‘central pillar’ Georgina Dudley to CEO role

    The respected executive will take the reigns in December and lead what has become the largest investment advisory across Australia and New Zealand over the last 35 years.

    Tahn Sharpe | 7th Sep 2022 | More
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